Advice and some answers please! Started by: Steph

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  • Steph 18

    So, iv got a consultation on Monday the 1st, absolutely bricking it.
    Iv no idea what to expect because it’s my first one, so could I have people’s experiences please? What can I expect?

    Iv done so much reading in the last week than I ever have before about boobs, implants, etc my search history is littered with boob questions!

    What implants did you go for? & Why
    I’m stuck because I wanna go to a DD, I want them to have cleavage, but look natural and right for my body?
    I think I’m definetly going for under the muscle, but would love so advice or experiences on which implants everyone chose an the look it made?
    I’m a bag of nerves for Monday an it feels so surreal, I only have one person to talk to about this as iv not mentioned it to my family yet so I feel like iv got 100 tabs open in my head.
    Any help or anything at this point will be appreciated

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Steph 18.
    Katie 4

    hi hun! you’ll be fine, absolutely nothing to worry about. they will ask you what sort of look you are after and what you are unhappy about with your boobs now. they will have a look at you and maybe take some measurements to see what tissue you have already and they will suggest what sort of size you will be looking at. you will try on the sizers to get an idea of the size. it’s a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have before you book! Good luck! Xx

    Steph 18

    Nervous as anything. Taking my partner with me tho so hopefully it’ll be a little less scary. Kinda just want Monday to be here so I stop overthinking it! But Thankyou! Iv a good idea what to expect now on the day which makes it easier xx

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