Advice for bigger boobs Started by: Tracey

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  • Tracey

    Hi, i am currently size 34e and wanting an uplift. I have had my first consultation and have booked in for my consultation with the surgeon. I think im going for an uplift with a small implant on top of the muscle as i want to try and achieve the fake look. I am scared im going to go through the surgery though and still not have perky boobs. Anyone out there with bigger boobs had an uplift with implants above the muscle that could share with me there experience and photos please. X

    Jessica 6

    Hi Tracey, I was a 32DD needed an uplift but didn’t want to loose my boobs so had a v small 250cc implant too taking me to a size F. I’m only 9 days post op so v early days but very happy so far with the results. Happy for you to message me for advice and questions I know I had loads. Jess x

    Vic 22

    Hi Tracy, I was a 32DD and had full anchor uplift with 155cc high profile implants. I didn’t want to lose any size from the uplift and also wanted some upper pole fullness and a nice cleavage haha so decided to have the implants too. I’m only 18 days po so don’t really have any good pics yet! Xxx

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