Hey! Searching for girls with similar stats to yourself is definitely what worked best for me! That way you can see the before/afters and imagine it on yourself! I can’t exactly say what size cc will let you achieve a certain cup size but they say that roughly every 100cc is a full cup size! It all really depends on what you are now and what your looking to achieve. I’m currently a 30A very narrow around my chest, I’m having 320cc UHP implants, which will give me a large C/small D cup!
Definitely research the different profiles of implant you can get and what look they help achieve!
Also search up about the way the implants can be placed! Unders/dual plane/overs… all help to achieve a different look!
I suppose those are the main 3 things to look into to help! Obviously at your consultations with your patient coordinator, surgeon, nurse etc (if you decide to go ahead) they’ll explain all the ins and outs!
Good luck! Hope that helped!