ADVICE FOR SURGERY! Started by: Mol.

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  • Mol. 15

    2 weeks today till surgery!

    What to take for a day case?
    How did people take their meds after surgery?
    What size was you before and after?
    And advice on any thing?!


    Hannah 214

    For my day case I took: phone charger, baby wipes, roll on deodorant (for after), clean underwear, post op bra, comfy clothes, my v pillow (for car journey home), bag of sweets, hairbrush and hairband with no metal.

    I’m still taking pain killers and my antibiotics and I’m now 6DPO. I have cut down the pain killers tho.

    Little added tip would be to have gel ice packs in the freezer ready for when you get home, they are a life safer over the week! Best of luck xx

    Gen 13

    I’m 2 weeks today!! It’s come round so fast! X

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