Advice needed Started by: Abigail

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  • Abigail 5


    So I’m just after a bit of advice really. I’m due to have my consultation with my surgeon they’ve put me with Dr Traynor. I’m currently a 34C and I am 5ft 10 and weigh around 10 stone. I had a consultation with Transform as I wanted to sort of have a look around before I made the decision to go to one clinic, and the PA told me I may need an uplift although due to me being a C cup now, and she didn’t even look at my boobs I asked her see the photo and she was like no. I am certain I don’t need an uplift either. My PA with MYA offered to send a pic over to the surgeon to query it as it was playing on my mind and I thought if I needed an uplift I would not be getting it done. I wanted to know really if anyone the same size / shape as me has had BA and If so what size did they go etc. I want to go over the muscle and want high profile round shape so If anyone has any photos I’d be so grateful! I’ve just put a photo of me currently just to see if anyone else was around this size before too?

    Thank you xxxx

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Abigail 5.
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    Laura Simmons 27

    I personally can’t see any reason why you would need an uplift! What is there to lift?! They don’t look to be sagging or anything! I’d wait and see what Dr Traynor says for sure. I don’t know how anyone could give you that advice without actually seeing your boobs!

    Nadia Ali 3

    My breasts are around a c/d however are a lot lower then yours, I have quite a big crease under my boob and my nipples sit fairly low. My surgery is on Friday and I’m only getting implants (350cc) no uplift as my surgeon (dr Sleiter) said I didn’t need one, the implants will fill up the top of my breasts alone. From my non expert opinion you don’t need an uplift at all but MYA will be good at informing you as they wouldn’t want you to have more scarring then you need. Hope this helps

    Samantha 5

    I would say you def don’t need an uplift x

    soph 16

    Hey Hun.. I’m about 5’8 and around 10 stone, I was around an (empty) 34c before and was worried about an uplift but I didn’t need one.. I went for 350cc HP round overs and now they come out at 32 e 18 week’s post op, let me know if you want to see photos or anything xx

    Abigail 5

    Hey hun, aw thank you for that I’m just worrying but I don’t think I will need one after researching and stuff! Aw that would be fab if you don’t mind! private message me xxxx


    Hi I don’t know who can help me out but I would really appreciate it if you could spare me some advice / reassurance as to whether I need a uplift or not? I have my surgery booked with me traynor in sep and my first ever face to face consultation is in mid July.. any advice as I know he doesn’t do uplift and implants?

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    I dont think yu need an uplift🙂
    This seems to be a good convo to advice me
    I am 5ft7 and 11st 5 I have been offered. Round. UHP. 455 overs.
    If anyone has any pics close to that please share. Just dont want to go to big but ovs gained weight after having 2 kids.
    Thank yu

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Megan Richins 2.
    Abigail 5

    Hey Megan, I’m 1 week post op now. I just had implants no uplift and had 575cc overs high profile, I know that’s like over 100cc what you’ve been offered but I am quite tall too I’m 5ft 10 and 10 stone 8 xxx

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