Advice on implant removal and uplift please /photos Started by: Aimee

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  • Aimee

    I had 525 overs around 7 years ago, I have lost weight and feel they are too big for my frame , I would like to have my implants removed I was an a/b before so would probably need uplift as well has anyone done this? I don’t really want smaller implants put in, does any one have photos of there surgery that was similar? Thanks


    I’m looking at having this done too. Mine are ruptured and I have capsular contracture so I think I need a total capsulactomy. I don’t want any new implants. I don’t think I have much natural breast tissue tho either so waiting to see what is said at consultation


    I had my breast augmentation in July 2009 and now want new implants and maybe go slightly smaller as I still struggle with clothing. It’s a minefield


    How did you know your boob had ruptured.
    Ive recently noticed one boob is smaler than the other. Im in no pain, no swelling or anything. I have been going to the gym. But my head is telling what if my boob has ruptured? My sister is saying its probably cause i work out. Ive had them 4 years.

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