Advice on sizes! Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel 15

    Hi Ladies,

    Iv got my surgery date booked for the 27th April i am sooo scared ill hate them and they will look fake! i’m booked in with Dr Jhailli for the natural look. I have slightly tubular breast and the are two different cup sizes one is a small b and the other is a C. Im not sure on what size to get iv been offered either 300 or 350 i want to achieve a D/DD (unders).

    Any advice anyone can give me would be great!

    Rachel x

    Olivia 30

    I had tubular breasts before my surgery and now mine are completely round and look so natural, I had 375 cc overs and the natural look clinic in Doncaster with mr kazzazi on 3rd march so they still have a lot of changing to do but they don’t look fake in my opinion. Different implants give different sizes on different people and there is no garunte what size you will end up, but my friend had 300cc unders and she has achieved a D cup, I had 375cc overs and I’m wearing an E cup sports bra. Did you try the implants in a sports bra? If so which one looked better and which did you prefer?xxx

    Rachel 15

    Hi Olivia thanks for the feedback! i didnt i tried it on with my normal bra! so i have no idea what size ill be! so im going to go back with a different bra as i thought they would have one for me to try! i think i shuld go for the tad bit bigger! i dont want boob greed! haha x

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