Advice please – 32aa with overs?? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I am due to have my op next weekend but would love to hear other people’s stories or if anyone has any pics they wouldn’t mind sharing. I am currently a very flat 32aa if that. Surgeon has recommended overs though. Has anyone started this size and had overs???

    Mila 1

    Hi Suzanne, sorry I’m probably not the most helpful person to post on this as i haven’t had my surgery yet either but i have met with the surgeon as he recommended overs for me too.. i was very surprised at this like you are because I’m a 32aa/a too and didn’t think id have enough breast tissue there to go for overs but he said overs would be fine… xx

    Lucie 11

    I’m in the exact same boat been offered up to 600cc HP overs I’m shocked ! X

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