advice please!! Started by: samantha hayward

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    hello ladies
    hoping some of you post op can help me!!
    after debating and researching for yrs about getting a b/a finally decided that its what I want……. just one hurdle im absolutely terrified about being put to sleep!! was hoping some of you can tell me your experiences and if any of you had the deep sedation method?
    sam x


    Hi Samantha, I had my BA yesterday and it is complelty fine. They literally let me hold a mask to my face. Which had oxygen in at first and then they put the general anaesthetic into the line in your arm and they asked me to take a big deep breath and before you know it your getting woken up with new boobies. Nothing to worry about at all, I think it’s a nice experience going under if I’m honest haha xx


    thanks for replying!!

    never had to have any kind of op before so just the thought of not being in control of going to sleep scares the hell out of me!! did u feel like you had been asleep a while or just a nap? was u in theatre long? how is the pain? what size did u go? sorry for all the questions!!
    congrats on ur new boobs!!


    No worries!
    Well it feels like you’ve been in and out in a minute but think it’s lasts just over an hour or something. They give you loads of pain relief while your asleep so you are a bit groggy and spaced out when you come round. Pain is bareable, just feels heavy and a lot of pressure at the minute. I had 430cc ultra high profile partials, that was from a 32A xx

    aprile 1

    Iv been under a few times now, (not all cosmetic though) and i may be alone here but i quite like the feeling of being put to sleep. And its like you’ve only been asleep a second and then you’re waking up again! And when you come round its just like feeling tired. Once you’ve done it you wont know what all the worry was about xxxx and i was in op for about an hour .. And there was no lain when i woke up! Sorry i know you didnt ask me ha i was expecting like excruciating pain aswell! Xxx


    thanks girls
    tbh I have a high pain thresh hold lol but heard its more heavy feeling than pain as such!!

    also do u both live close to clinics hospitals am thinking of traveling home after etc and was u in over night?


    Hi Samantha gosh I know how you feel and I’ve never had an op before neither so I was the same! The only thing that terrified me besides being cut was having no control over staying awake and that light headed feeling knowing you’re drifting and nothing you can do about it lol but honestly it only lasts around an hour and when you wake up…it doesn’t even feel like that long ago. The anaesthetist I had was good he distracted me and kept my mind off of it but also kept informing of what he was doing. He popped the oxygen mask on and took a deep breathe and I saw him putting the anaesthetic into my arm and I just started to see double and konked out. Last thing I remember before konking out I just kept telling myself to relax And told the anaesthetist man I’m seeing double lol and he said don’t worry relax you’ll be going to sleep let yourself relax or something. Then I woke up asking when I’m going to have my op and the nurse told me I’ve had it lol. Felt quite drowsy and sleepy after I kept falling asleep lol.

    aprile 1

    I cant remember feeling like that. I was expecting the worse though. So maybe go in expecting hell and you’ll be pleasantly surprised lol. I live about an hour away from the Preston hospital. My wonderful mum took me and waited and drove me back the same day. The pillow came in handy for the seatbelt ! Xx


    ha ha aprile good advice!! I went in expecting the worse case during my 3 labours and walked them lol maybe its just the fear of the unknown!!

    can I ask u all what was it that made u choose mya and your costs?


    im about 2 hrs maybe more from my nearest what was ur total stay in the hospital? x

    aprile 1

    Now childbirth is something i realllllly dread!!! Lol! Well a friend of a friend had hers done, and on a girly night she whipped them out. And i was instantly jelous lol. Id wanted them done for ahes and hers looked amazing. She had hers done with mya and dr traynor so i went with the same! I think it was 4600ish. I know varies depending on implant xxxj


    When I had the ga they said they were putting it in and It felt like I had pins and needles in my left arm and then I woke up about 2 hours later. Didn’t feel a thing woke up very confused and apparently I was asking where I was etc and I felt really dizzy after woods. I was really nervous having the ga but I was absolutely fine there’s nothing to worry about


    what size did u go to? and how much did it cost?


    I had sedation due to my meds I take I was on the table at 10:50 and out fully alert by 12:30 and home by 13:30 I had concerns about this method as I felt my entire c section child birth it was horrid but the sedation method used on my BA was great just was so relaxed talking to the surgeon and the team I didn’t feel a thing it just was like u slip in and out of a light sleep


    I have considered deep sedation method – but worried me being able to hear whst was goi g on?? X


    hiya! i was SO terrified of being put to sleep. i hate the idea of anesthetic and needles etc so i was a nightmare! they let me use gas before they put the canula in me to go to sleep which saved me so much anxiety.. with that it’s just a gas mask over your face, you breathe normally, it makes you feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded then bam.. you wake up and it’s all done 🙂
    pain wise i never had any pain.. just discomfort and tightness similar to if i’d overdone it at the gym across my chest and arms when i moved. sitting still was completely comfortable to me and by day 5 i was up and about at uni again. i know everyone is different, but i was worrying and expecting the absolute worst, and (touch wood as i’m only 2 weeks PO) – everything went great! if you have any other questions feel free to message me, because i was so scared about being put to sleep! xx


    Hey hun, I just had it put through the cannula, they gave me something to calm me down first as I’ve suffered from anxiety in the past… I didn’t feel anything in my arm I was out of it straight away.. When I woke up I just remmeber asking where the food was at and staring at my boobs haha, i was pretty much straight back to normal after the ga but it does vary from person to person. Everyone at the clinic was amazing as well really put your mind at rest on the day! 🙂 xx

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