Advice please Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 6

    Hi ladies.
    I need some honest advise.
    I’ve been declined on the finance with Mya. So I spoke to my mum about me wanting the producer done & if she could help me out but she’s totally against me getting the producer done! ?
    I want the producer done so much tho! Do I just go ahead & do it still? Xx

    Mel 15

    Hi Danielle, I feel for you hun. Has your mum said why she’s against it? Maybe she just needs to see some before and after pics of the size you want to put her mind at ease? Your PC should be able to email you some pics if that’s the case.
    Is there anywhere else you could get finance? Xx

    Danielle 6

    I spoke to her fully about it. I’ve had my appointment with my surgeon & chose my implant size which will roughly take me up to a D cup. I was a D cup few years ago but I was in a horrific car accident & I lost so much weight (from my boobs ?)
    I just don’t feel very feminine at all anymore! It’s got me so low & depressed.
    Yes I could keep trying else where or ask someone else close to me. But I don’t want to upset her by still getting them done xxx

    Kayla 26

    Don’t give up hun, if it’s something you really want done.. Ask someone else to take the finance out for you, i had to beg my stepdad to take it out for me.. Whether your mum is happy or not.. You’re doing it for yourself & don’t moan to her if you’re in pain if you get me? Just act like everythings okay even if you’re in pain.. I hope you find a way xxx

    Helen 111

    hi lovely! have you looked into other finance/loan options? don’t give up hope!! even if you save whatever you can whenever possible! this decision is for YOU so you need to think about how happy it’ll make YOU! ❤️ i would pop to other banks and ask about loans if i was you xxx

    Danielle 6

    My credit score is pretty low tho 🙁 don’t think I’d get a loan out. I’d have better chance of someone doing the finance for me. Thank you for your supportive messages ladies ?? xxx

    Stacey 21

    All I can say is, it’s your body and how you feel that matters, your mum may be totally against it but if it’s what you want then who’s to stop you. I was scared to tell my mum but she’s been really supportive as she knows how down I get about my boobs. I doubt she will love you any less if you get it done love. Go for it!!! Hope you find someone to help you out ☺️☺️ Xx

    Danielle 6

    Aww thank you Stacey 🙂 xxx

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