Advice please Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    I have mentioned my left boob a few times not feeling right but was abit unsure on how to explain it. But basically my left is higher up than my right but yet it sits slighty lower than my right so its ‘longer’ if that makes sense, but what im worried about is the fact that at the bottom of my left breast its all soft an squidgy underneath an up to my nipple so its as though the implant is sitting too high but my breast tissue is all under the implant. Could the pocket be too tight an that would be why this one as always been higher up? My right one doesnt have any jiggly fleshy bits under it so its really worrying me because i have gone on about them being different an everyone says its early days an i know it is but it doesnt feel right because of how the implant doesnt fill out the bottom of my left boob… hope this makes sense haha an has anyone had this happen an if so did it correct over time? An what if the pocket is too small an thats why i have this at the bottom? If i push down on my implant while bringing the nipple upwards its looks the same as my right boob xx

    Laura 143

    Just trying to show you what i mean… if you look where im squeezing, its all fleshy there theres no implant there. The other side is fine implant all the way down even though i havent dropped yet its still at the bottom where it should be but the other isnt?? xx

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    Mae 79

    Hey Laura. I’m not really sure what it could be but maybe contact the clinic and see if your able to pop in and see Them if you are worried. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind putting your mind at ease xx

    Laura 143

    Yeah i think i will give them a ring see what they say xx

    Laura 143

    They said its not unusal for this to happen an will usually sort its self in time. They told me i could go in if i was worried or wait abit longer first to see if it changes so i said id wait another week or so then give them another ring if its not changed. Im hoping someone on here will have had the same thing happen so they can tell me how it went etc xx

    Laura 143

    Bumping this back up surely this as happened to someone else post op lol

    Laura 143

    Well im absolutley gutted after finding online that its actually a form of double bubble!! There are 2 types one to do with the crease, an this one where my breast tissue as sagged under my implant! I have said for ages that it wasnt right i knew it wasnt i just didnt know what it was. Revision is more than likely required an i have to go see my surgeon on wednesday. Very very rarely corrects itself! Gutted doesnt even come close to what im feeling now after such a brilliant recovery aswel xx



    Hi Laura try not to panic, are you sure this is the case? Has your nurse confirmed it? My left boob is very similar and my surgeon confirmed that this is just where I had more breast tissue on that side (had slightly tuberous breasts so the little tissue I did have naturally fell to the bottom) so that side will always be much softer at the bottom. When I compare my before and after pictures I can see that is the case as I was always slightly bigger with that boob xx

    Laura 143

    Not confirmed yet but there is quite alot of tissue under my implant more than you can see in the picture. Im trying not to panic but at the same time i feel like having a melt down im so upset i knew it didnt seem right since my swellin subsided thats when i noticed it was really soft there.its a really different shape because of the bottom bit. Will wait to see what my surgeon says on wednesday 🙁 xx

    Hannah 214

    @lauraj1987 oh no Laura, I hope it’s not double bubble! Hopefully the implant just has to fall in to place. Please keep us updated on what he says xx

    Laura 143

    Thankyou Hannah, really hoping not. Will let you know what he says after iv seen him xx

    Mae 79

    Ooo Laura that is so shit! You must be stressing out about this :(( did you tell the clinic what you read online?? Do they think it could be a possibility as well?
    Such a shit situation. I know you have had issues with that one before. It’s just so difficult. We are all told that everythings normal and to give it time And be patient. So it’s difficult to judge when things aren’t right. But at least you have stuck to your gut instinct with this and going to get it checked.
    I really hope that it isn’t double bubble and that the clinic confirms this.
    Let us know xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun could it not just be where your implants hasn’t dropped down yeah at your still soo early on in your recovery?? Xxx


    Ah I really hope it’s confirmed not to be double bubble Hun. See what he says on Wednesday. Have everything crossed for you xx

    Laura 143

    Yeah i have told them Mae but they havent really said anything one way or the other just to see what mr kazzazi thinks so in limbo till tomorrow now but i do think it is. It was not this weekend gone but the weekend before that i noticed it an i think it was because the swelling had gone down alot so the hardness went an thats when i realised i had this jiggly bit underneath an if it is then it wont change :(( xx
    Stacey im not sure because the only thing i have to compare with is my other breast which is nothing like the left but its not normal to have this much tissues shuved down under the implant. The picture its quite hard to show you how much by pinching it but if i just sort of cup it at the bottom it just feels like my old breast from before i had the op id say theres a good few cm’s before you can actually feel the implant. Im keeping everything crossed that its going to be fine but its hard to when my gut has told me something wasnt right for a while now then seeing its a form of double bubble :(( xx
    Thankyou clare will update tomorrow xx

    Stacey 498

    Aww Laura hopefully that’s not the case and it’s just a case of a slow dropping boob I have everything crossed for you Xxxx

    Laura 143

    Thankyou!! I think it may be a case of wait an see what happens with it anyway because even if it was double bubble you still have to wait 6 months at least between surgery. I just hope that in time it will sort itself. From what i have been reading online it usually happens when you need uplift but i was only stage 1 so im hoping that wasnt the case for me he never mentioned needing uplift he said it was milld sagging but my left was slightly lower, by less than half a cm xx

    Mitch 39

    @laura sorry to hear that your having problems it must be so stressful and upsetting for you….hope it’s not double bubble and that it sorts itself out….fingers and toes crossed for you hunni xx

    Laura 143

    Thankyou mitch i have everything crossed that its not. Just seems strange because i was thinking it would be ok once it drops but not sure it will now especially because i have textured implants so the implant itself doesnt move at all its only the gel inside that will move down so its still not going to be at the bottom of my boob even once it drops xx

    Claudine 196

    Do you have a pre-op pic you could share Laura? xxx

    Laura 143

    Hi yes i do although its awful haha, i put this on the day that i was going for my first consultation because i was worried i would need uplift. (I was sat down on this photo which makes it look worse than it actually was i think even though they was saggy) but my nipple were ‘at’ the crease not below an even though my left was 0.4cm lower he said i didnt need uplift an id get a good result. Going to see what he says tomorrow but im driving myself insane now xx

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    Chantelle 64

    Oh Laura I’m getting worried incase I have it now 🙁 my left boob has dropped and feels hard at the bottom but my right I can still feel the implant at the top and softer at the bottom although it’s gradually getting better

    Mitch 39

    Aww bless you hunni hopefully you will get some answers tomorrow and it will be good news xx

    Laura 143

    Just been in the shower an my other boob is doing the same now!! Could cry!! Wish i never even had them done now!! Xx

    Laura 143

    Been yo see my surgeon hes not worried he says its not snoopy/waterfall deformity. He thinks i have a perfect result but says people are hard to please haha hes told me to start massaging my left breast as its sitting higher and when i asked if my nipple will come up once it drops a little he said it should but he cant gaurentee it. The tissue that is underneath he says its because that one was slightly lower before but it shouldnt be as noticable once fully settled so im hoping that hes right an my boobs start to look more like sisters instead of cousins haha feel relived but i just hope he is right, just going to try put it to the back of my mind for now xx

    Mae 79

    Good news then Laura!!! Hopefully in a few weeks then even out and you feel a bit better!
    Mine are wonky too and hope they end up being at least a bit more symmetrical 🙁
    Think once I’ve paid this ba off I’m gunna start saving for another 🙁 xx

    Chantelle 64

    That’s great news I’m still worried about mine… I made a post about, would you be able to look at it xx

    Laura 143

    Yeah im really pleased Mae 🙂 an he looked so happy adniring his work pmsl its annoying having wonky boobs isnt it lets hope we both even out soon! An really? Is that to go bigger? I must admit mine arnt as big as i wanted them to be id go bigger lol xx

    I have just had a look Chantelle, i really dont think theres anything wrong with it but if your worried definitely see your surgeon its what they are paid to do. I think seeing my post an the others as just freaked you out abit xx

    Mae 79

    Yes! Just hope this drop and fluff thing happens and makes them bigger and even lol yeh I wish I’d gone bigger!! 🙁

    Laura 143

    So do i lol i was hoping for 400cc so when he said that straight away i just said yes straight away even though he was saying i might be able to fit 420s in… now i eish id pushed for 450s at least. But i thought they would be bigger because i did have quite abit of tissue just saggy an nothing up top. I keep hoping they are going to get alot bigger with drop an fluff too. Thing is if i take a pic just of my boobs they look a decent size but if i take a pic with my body on they look small if you know what i mean?! Xx

    Mae 79

    I didn’t even think to push lol he just said 350 or 375! Now I’m regretting not asking about 400!!
    Yeah I’m the same!! In clothes and like when I look down I feel like I’m looking at my old boobs in a padded bra?! But then when nude they look bigger!! -_- ahhhhh
    Wish we could all just fast forward a few months!! Xx

    Laura 143

    Exactly the same lol an i look the same in clothes too if anything i think i look a little smaller than i did in a big padded bra sometimes. N yeah mine look bigger when im nude an looking in the mirror at them put take a photo n they are tiny lol stupid boobs! Yeah i wish we could aswel just want to know the end result lol some dont seem to gain much size but some seem to gain alot so im hoping we do gain loads lol xx

    Hannah 214

    @lauraj1987 glad to see everything is ok with you Hun! I think we honestly worry ourself so much as we want them to be perfect! Xx

    Laura 143

    Thankyou!! Yeah we definitely do xx

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