Advice please ladies :( Started by: Paige

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  • Paige 11

    Been offered a date at the start of August but this means using my last week of holiday at work and I don’t get any more until start of April next year 🙁 what do I do? Use my holiday or wait longer so that I’ve not got 7 months with no holiday 🙁


    Hey hunni, I’m getting mine done in December and i honestly wish the time would just fly by! i think the longer you wait the more you look forward to having them done in my mind, although it is your choice x

    Laura -1

    Use your Holiday babe it’ll be worth it 😀 xx

    Paige 11

    I’m totally in two minds about it, I really want them done as soon as possible but I’m thinking about my holiday and when to take it 🙁 so undecided 🙁 xx


    Do it Paige I promise you wouldn’t care if you never had holiday again, nothing compares haha! Trust me 🙂 xxxxxx

    Paige 11

    Haha!! Was going to message you earlier and ask you what you thought! No one at home is helping me with my decision either so I just need someone to say just go for it! Need to let my pc know tomorrow what I’m doing xxxxxx


    @Paige if you ever wanna ask anything just message me on twitter, I really dont mind 🙂 Have you decided yet? I really think it will be worth it and maybe if you work for nice people if ever you need time off you can have it un paid? Anyway its your own fault for going on all these amazing holidays! (Not jealous at all haha) 🙁 !!!!!!!!!!xxxx

    Meggies 1

    Paige cant you take it as sick leave n not a holiday?? It is an op after all xx

    Paige 11

    I decided I wanted that date but it had gone 🙁 urrhhh! My pc has offered me a overnight stay on the same day but obviously it’s more expensive so I’m totally confused as to what to do 🙁 aaahhhhhh! I did ask for half holiday half unpaid but he said its purely cosmetic so he couldn’t but I can try and get some holiday by working some Saturdays which will be good 🙂 I know I can’t help It I love being in the sun haha 🙂 xxxxx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Book a date asap! youl regret it if not! iv had to wait a bloody YEAR iv been crying everyday up until now haha got a month to go xx

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