Advice please ladies, getting no support from friends Started by: Elizabeth

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  • Elizabeth 5

    Hi ladies,

    So I’ve been thinking about having this procedure done since I was at school. I always hoped my boobs would grow but I’m 24 now and still flat chested. I have finally plucked up the courage to do something about it, but everyone I’ve spoken to has said I’m silly and I should wait until I’ve had kids as they’ll grow anyway.

    I have a consultation booked in a couple of weeks and was really excited, but my friends have really put me off. Have any of you had this done and then had kids? If so, how did it affect the look of your boobs? Did you have to get them re-done?

    I have nobody to confide in so hopefully one of you lovely ladies can help ☹ xxx

    Katerin 20

    Hey hun,

    I have not had kids but just wanted to tell you that you should do what makes you happy. When you go to your consultation ask regarding how the breast will look after kids and get more information.

    But honestly at the end of the day do not let anyone change your mind or put you off. I have a friend who is not happy with my decision but at the end of the day it is what makes me happy.!!! If they carry on not supporting you and calling you silly just do not mention the procedure again to them or even talk about it. FInd someone you can actually let out what your feeling, such as excitement or nerves.

    i know it;s no much help as you want information regarding having children after the procedure but hope it helps a bit 😀

    Lou 2

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I can’t speak for having children after a BA as mine were all born pre BA.

    I’m 48years old and only just done what I’ve never been brave enough to do in over 30years.

    You’re a young woman, with a mind of her own and a strong desire to have the procedure. I’d say they’re not being great friends if they think you’re being silly.
    Your consultation is your opportunity to get the facts, and hopefully there will be lots of women here who have had it done and have then gone on to have children who can share their experience with you.

    So, write a list (so easy to forget questions) and take it from there.


    Elizabeth 5

    Hi Katerin,

    I’m so pleased that you went ahead with it despite what people have said! When did you have yours done?

    Feeling really down today after what people have said – I need to remember why I’m doing this and that it’s my body and my happiness! I’m just too easily swayed sometimes.

    This should be an exciting process, I’ve waited over 10 years for this and now I feel a bit deflated 🙁

    Thank you so much for understanding! Did you ever have doubts about having it done? xxx

    Elizabeth 5

    Hi Lou,

    Thank you for your reply! What made you decide to finally go ahead with it?

    I’m really looking forward to being able to speak to the patient coordinator in a couple of weeks, hopefully then I’ll be able to get excited about it again! Xxx

    Jamie 55

    There is no guarantee they will grow with pregnancy, if it’s something you really want to do, do it for yourself and no one else regardless of people’s opinions. I’m 28 and have always wanted to do it, my friends did say the same but who knows when I will have children I wanted to feel confident and happy before that time comes, I have friends that had there’s done before children and they are still great after pregnancy! Don’t be deflated xx

    Laurane 12

    I hated people saying that to me. My sister even said it to me recently after I had my op. I was a 34A, was a 34DD when I was pregnant and then went straight back to a 34A. There was no difference after. Yes they got bigger while I was pregnant but it didn’t last. I told my surgeon that I plan on having more children but he didn’t say what effect there would be. I wasn’t really bothered, I was going to go through with it anyway. Do what makes YOU happy because I guarantee you, the people putting you off and giving you crap aren’t thinking of your happiness. So put yourself first, they have no idea how your body will change when your pregnant. It’s not a one size fits all process for everyone. My boobs will probably grow when I’m in my mid to late 40’s like my mums did but there was no way I was going to be miserable that long just to find out. Your doing this for you. No one else. Don’t let them sway you xx

    Corrine 18

    My boobs went smaller after having kids that’s why I’ve had a ba now. I’ve spoken to women that have had ba’s and then gone on to have children and even breastfed with no problems. The one women I know has had them in for 17years too and said they are still perky. Hope this helps xx x

    Katerin 20


    I haven’t had mine done just yet, I’m still waiting for my consultation with Dr Max but I also have another consultation with a surgeon who’s not with MYA. I can’t get mine done until December time so I have time to search more.

    But honestly don’t let it get you down, I was feeling upset about it as she’s meant to be my best friend but she just doesn’t agree with it and is not really much of a moral support. But I have my parents and boyfriend who supports it so it’s okay. But like I said Hun don’t let it change your mind and follow your heart. If this is something you desire then go for it!! It’ll be hard to let it go as they’re your friends but you will soon! If they still don’t understand just don’t even mention the procedure to them. Only one friend of mine knows which is supportive and that’s it, haven’t told anyone else

    I did have doubts, I think it’s normal. I was worried if it would like nice or if I was going for the right size. I was suppose to get it done when I was 20 but it didn’t happen, maybe the was a good thing as I’m 100% now about the surgery and feel ready. But I’m trying not to get sooooo excited about it just yet until the actual surgery day. I’m scared if I get too excited it might not work out. But just have to be positive.

    Lou 2

    Hi again Elizabeth,

    30years is a long time to hide your body away.
    Every single day thinking about what to wear and how to improve my non-existent breasts with Bras and layering clothing.

    30yrs of not wanting to put a swimming costume on.

    30yrs of awkwardness on my part during intimate moments.

    That’s a lifetime of unhappiness. Don’t go down that road. Do what makes you happy.


    Elizabeth 5

    Hi ladies,

    Thank you all so much for your replies, you’ve all been so helpful! I’ve taken your advice on board and am feeling much better today, this is for me, nobody else so I won’t let anyone else dictate what I should or shouldn’t do with my body.

    I definitely won’t be speaking to my friends about it anymore! Next step is to tell my mum, hopefully she will be supportive. How were your parents when you told them?


    Claire 10

    Hey girl. If you want them done, get them done.

    Don’t rush into it, do your research (might help your friends be more accepting if they can see you’ve watched load of vlogs and had a few consultations at a few companies). Yes you probably will need them redone after kids if your body will change alot, but if you want them done… if you’re not looking to have kids in the next couple of years then do it. You have to do it for yourself, its your body and if it will make you happy that’s all that matters. Don’t worry what other people think, they can’t always relate to the struggle us flatchested girls have.

    I’m 27, I was going to get them done 2years ago but a bf at the time put me off, then I decided to wait until after I had kids to get mine done, but then I just thought to myself F it, I’m not getting any younger and I don’t have a bf so not having kids anytime soon. So I decided 2018 would be my selfish year (as you have to do it for yourself and no one else) so honestly don’t worry what they think. Each surgeon does about 130 operations a month – its such a common procedure now it’s not that big of a deal it’s very safe.

    Just make sure you research it all properly and you’ll be fine babe. If you really want it then do it…. life’s too short to be unhappy and uncomfortable in your body x


    @lizzieroberts ha! What’s app this wait till you have children!? Honestly I was small chested & after two children went flat chested! Ok some people grow but most people don’t & end up empty up top … You absolutely must do what’s right for you! My crew have been very 50/50 but I did it for me at the end of the day

    Sophia 47

    Everyone told me that when I had children, my breasts would grow…well I’ve had two children now and they never grew with either, not even a little. So I went ahead and had mine done in April, best thing I ever did! I’ve waited my whole life to feel this confident and I love them! Do what’s right for you, do what makes you happy and you won’t regret it! X

    Elizabeth 5

    Thank you so much ladies, I’ve found it so helpful coming on here and reading all of your advice! I’m definitely going ahead with it!

    Ashley – I was also worried about telling my mum as I felt guilty about wanting to change my body – that probably sounds ridiculous haha. But she was so supportive and knows how long I’ve wanted this done. I’m so pleased your mum has said she is ok with it! Dads are so awkward to tell aren’t they, they just don’t get it haha. I haven’t told mine.

    Meeting Dr Sleiter on 29th September! x

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