Advice please. Op yesterday. Feeling low Started by: Jane P

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  • Jane P 1

    Hi all, I had my op yesterday and feeling a bit low. Was an A and has 295cc to achieve a full C but they just feel like bullets and small at the moment.. I had unders, hoping im feeling like this because they are wrapped in the sports bra. I was expecting to be swolen at first and in a D sports bra but not even filling a C… i could Cry as I dont want them to go even smaller??!


    Aww Jane don’t worry its such early days. I was an A to start with, was given the choice of 295 & 325 (it’s a difference of 2tbsp!), went with the 325 unders, am now wearing a D/E, but look a large C / small D. There will be so much changing to do yet, maybe you haven’t swollen much and also your muscles will be tensed around the implant, give it time and watch them grow 😀 xxx

    Jane P 1

    thanks @Hx


    Hiya Hun, I had unders and and they looked like little pointy mountains at first lol. Your muscle will be tight against the implant to start with but once they start to relax and they drop they will get quite a lot bigger and fuller, they take a while to settle. I’m 7 weeks post op and my unders are still not fully settled. I took pics each day and could see the changes each day. Hope your feeling ok after the op and not too sore xx

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