Advice… what to expect & post surgery (bra etc) Started by: Elise Johnston

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    Hi Everyone, im having surgery on the 5th of June. I’m having 400cc, under the muscle, HP, round + textured implants. my surgeon is Dr Mounir. Im currently trying to figure out what bras people are looking at for after the surgery… I’ve been on M&S and they have loads of different ones. does it have to be a certain type. if someone can help me out?
    Also, what kind of thing do I need to take to the surgery with me?


    Hi Elise

    No advice I have no clue either just thought I’d reply as I’m having 400cc too on 11th june, which location are you having yours done? X


    I’m at Preston! Just one more surgeons consultation to go and we are ready for the surgery!

    Christine 27

    I’m not having mine done through MYA but I’m booked elsewhere for 15th June. My surgeon suggested getting the M&S one with the front fasteners (the hook and eye one) he said it’s just as good as any other. He suggested the cup size and I just went off my normal back size. I got two of those new with tags on Vinted (deffo worth a look!) I’ve also gotten one of their zip front sports bras.

    Christine 27

    Sorry two Christine’s. That could get confusing 🤣

    Eliziana 3

    Hi Elise!
    I had my surgery last Tuesday in Lindon with Mr Mileto. Had the best experience ever on the day I felt treated like a princess.
    My surgeon advised to purchase the Macom bra through the mya portal they have a buy 2 deal, which you will need as one is not enough for the first few weeks. It was about 78 pounds for two if I remember correctly:)
    When I went to surgery I had a backpack with me with medicines that I bought for my post care that I wanted to show the surgeon to get advice if they would be suitable or not, this was all extra they do give you the necessary meds at the end of your operation before you go home. I brought wipes, moisturiser, extra bottle of water, fruits and clothes that zip from the front and very loose trousers and easy ti fit trainers.
    Good luck with your surgery:)


    Thank you so much everyone I’m so nervous but I want it to happen now!! I was wondering if I could get away with any other bras other than one of those going to a wedding a week after and i didn’t want that chunky thing on me 😂

    Hannah 32

    Hey Elise

    Check out the LIPOELASTIC PI ACTIVE, it is a lower at the front so give little cleavage. They told me not to wear this for long periods of time tho xxx

    Eliziana 3

    Because of my surgeon I couldn’t be requested specifically the macom bra:)

    Bernice 51

    I bought the m&s hook &eye post surgery bras also! I have 4 lol! I still wear mine at night (12 weeks post op!) I want my new boobs to stay looking perfect!!!
    I went back to work day 12 – comfiest bras ever! Admittedly quite high but I had not plans on wearing low cut tops early on.
    Good luck! X

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