Advise 3weeks post op Started by: Wiewie

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  • Wiewie 3

    Hi I’m 3weeks post op I can feel my implant or pressing on my muscle when I put my hands out in front of me its bigger too then other one I spoke to nurse she sad its ok but today its more pressing on me even when I walk I’m worried that there is a fluid in there!!!im not in pain but can feel the implant all day long as it would be much bigger then other one!did any of the girls had the same? ??
    I’m under muscle 325cc thanks

    Victoria 8

    Hi Babe, I am just under 3 weeks post op and I had this same thing last few days felt like there was pressure in one boob and got the odd sharp pain when I moved a sudden way but it seems to have settled abit today, just be patient with it I’m sure it’s fine 🙂 probs just your muscle relaxing and adjusting to the implant xx

    Wiewie 3

    Oh ok it’s just that boob been like this for about week now I do hope its just nothing xx

    Fionajsd 131

    My right boob is still swollen , I’ve been told to ice it over the weekend and take ibuprofen. If it’s no better on Monday I have to ring them x


    @fionajsd I had my op on the 20th jan, my right boob is swollen still and bigger than the other but I havent been told to ring them if it doesnt go down, ive got a bruise down the side of the boob aswell, how come they are worried about yours? Should the swelling of gone now? Im 10days post op xxx

    Wiewie 3

    I have no bruising but its uncomfortable mainly all side boob left one feels massive against other one ill try ice pack over weekend too!i have rang them up they are trying to get me in for mon as its my only day off!if I move my arms its feels so much pressure I can feel it when I bend down ect realy feels like wrong size been put inn!this boob I never had no pain since surgery I could lift my arm and do everything with it from day one were now its giving me a worry! Not only that I have horrible cough with mucus went to go they sad my chest is clear so they don’t want to give me antibiotics i really hope all is good but I as I had no bruising or even swelling since op 8th jan and this bloody boob been like this for about a week now its worries me its seams to be worse today than yesterday!!!

    Fionajsd 131

    I think they r concerned there’s a build up of fluid. It is normal but if it doesn’t drain away naturally then it may need help. I would def ring them x


    See I saw a nurse yestersay she saw the bruise and pressed my boobs and didnt say snything about fluid, but with it still being swollen and the bruise if u look on my pics looks like blood under the skin I think I might have blood in there, I see a nurse again on thursday but thats a week away its a long time to wait if something is wrong xx

    Fionajsd 131

    The don’t think mine is blood ( I hope) x

    Wiewie 3

    Thanks girls my 6weeks post op is this thurs my boob is so much better still bit more tender then other one but feels fine I guess I was just panicking xxx

    Vanessa 56

    hey hun hope your ok!
    hope u dont mind the add im going for 325 hp unders xx

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