advise please right boob has not dropped and was higher from day 1 Started by: Dee

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  • Dee 15

    hi if any one can reassure me it would be great – on saturday i will be 5 weeks post op – my right boob always felt higher and harder than the left from day 1 my left dropped in like 5 mins on day 4— my right boob feels harder looks a little less rounder and although my nipples look fairly in line the implant is not ( yet ) my query is most pics i have seen girls go through d& f and thats when they are unequal but did anyone notice a difference from day 1 ?

    i was wrapped up for 11 days in strapping so couldn’t see anything but could still feel the difference — now that i am almost 5 weeks i am trying to be patient and trust the process but have only just started to walk at a pace that is not of a 99 year old and often i feel i need to hold that boob it hurts with the bounce of walking – i wondered if other feel this discomfort whilst going through the d&f with their higher bookend walking? like ya implant is hanging on lol

    i will try post up pics later – any advise would help .. i have stopped wearing the boob band as i could feel a small lump ( possible stitch at top of the implant – size of a rice grain ) and don’t want to make that worse – also have muscle relaxers which i take a few day to help me relax and muscles .. really don’t want to be told come in 6 weeks then another 6 weeks etc etc just panicked it has not changed from day 1

    Angie 2

    I have same concern. Can you show picture?

    Jaclyn 41

    I’m only 2 weeks but one of mine is harder and still swollen and bruised and other absolutely fine. Someone reminded me it is 2 operations which is true. X

    Laura 18

    Hiya I’m the same but I’m only 2 weeks post op my right book literally was high for like 3 days then seemed to drop never had no swelling with that one but my left the swelling is rediculous I’ve been told to ice it 2-4 times a day but since I’ve been doing that it seems to be worse, I was told it’s not the implant that’s sitting high it’s the swelling but I’m not convinced cause the swelling s just not going down I’ll attach a picture it’s not too noticeable on photos but it is in person my left breast looks like a ledge still while my other one is settled x

    Laura 18

    So I know it’s a side angle but it shows my right boob settled and my left boob is so high and sore still the pain seemed to die down for about 3 days now it’s come back x

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    Laura 18

    I’m aware they both look totally different sizes but it’s the way I’ve took the photo they’re the same but obviously ones high x

    Dee 15


    Angie 2

    so glad it’s not only me. i’m 16 days post op and have 2 different boobies. going through hardtime atm

    Dee 15

    How do i post a pic its says its too big

    Dee 15

    how do i upload one ? it says they are too big to upload

    Jaclyn 41

    Laura mine are exactly like yours! Hopefully change soon ?

    Jaclyn 41

    Laura my surgeon did say I was to go back if swelling got worse…. Which it hasn’t but its not better either!

    Billy 9

    I’m 8 weeks post op and have had the same problem from day one. When all the dressings and bandages came off I could see one was much higher. Iv been waiting it out but still no change. They have softened but the difference in height hasn’t changed ? really starting to worry as one incision seems higher

    Dee 15

    How do i attach / reduce the size of a pic

    Jaclyn 41

    Sorry dee no idea I cant seem to upload either

    Jaclyn 41

    Billy have u spoken to the surgeon?

    Faye 14

    Email pic to yourself and choose small!!!

    Faye 14

    That’s works on iPhone xxx

    Faye 14

    Dee I’m same, I’m 5wpo one higher then then other… I think it’s normal and just taking longer to drop xxx

    Billy 9

    I spoke to the nurse at my 6 week post op check and she said they were still different shapes and still had lots of changing to do. I’m due to see my surgeon at 12 weeks post op so will discuss it then. Just hoping the right is being slower to drop, but so worried as nothing seems to be changing. X

    Dee 15


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    mrswilla1981 16

    Dee defo get it checked. They are very different and your left (as I see in picture) seem very very full at the top and high xx

    Dee 15

    I have had meeting nearly every 2 weeks and have another one next week

    Dee 15

    Side view

    Dee 15

    just wanted to update this thread – boob dropped at around 10 weeks 😉 had a bit of shoulder ache whilst it settled – back to gym now taking it easy doings jogs etc no upper weights still can’t lift much – boobs have evened out a lot and look a lot better – sleeping on my side now 😉 just need to get use to the aches and pains and build my muscles up but was so happy to finally denounce the horrible boob band lol – will upload pics when i get a chance or add me on my instagram to see @boobadella_

    Alyssa 12

    I’m only 11 days po so I am sure there will be huge changes in the weeks to come but, like Jaclyn says ‘it is 2 operations”. Also because my breast were soooooo small to start with, my right one moreso, with very little tissue, maybe it’s easier for me to see why they will heal/change at different times. My right breast is the one giving more pain, my right breast is the one taking more time to change…my right breast was the smaller of the 2…therefore inserting the same size implant (325cc’s) into 2 different size areas it makes sense that they are going to react and settle differently….? I think.

    I love this forum. Despite the leaflets we receive telling us that we need to wait, hearing from ladies who are further on their journey than I is soooooo reassuring, so thank you for sharing ?

    Sending love and wishing you all luck in yr recovery.
    Alyssa x

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