After surgery with a child Started by: Montana

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  • Montana 19

    I was just looking for a bit of advise really. I have a 1 year old daughter who i look after by myself through the week as my partner works away. Are any of you ladies in the same boat? What can and cant i do after surgery? Any advise would be great as im just a bit worried about what i can and cant do really

    Leanne 16

    I have a 1 year old daughter too. I’m dreading it.
    I’m going to stay with my mum for the first week so she will be able to get her up in the morning, out of her cot and put her down at night etc.
    The following week, I’ll go home and get as much help from her dad as possible. I’ve roped in family and friends to come to the house and help out.
    I really hate to have to lean on others but I don’t think we have much choice with them being so little.

    Is your partner having any time off?

    Jodie Louise 46

    Im the same too i have a 9 month old baby and im due to have an uplift and implants this saturday and my partner works away all week too and my mum and dad are away for 10 nights so i have no1 to help ! Soo nervous about it all xxx

    Chloe 122

    Im single mum of 4, youngest being 10months, im hoping the youngest stays with his dad and nan as much as poss the first week but other than that im gonna have to manage xx

    Laura 47

    Hi! I’m a single mum but my two are a bit older. Also I had overs which is a little kinder pain wise. First two days I wouldn’t have been able to pick a baby up, even a pint glass of water felt like it was pulling. I’d tried to make sure that we had enough food in etc so I didn’t need to go out, then my daughter had an allergic reaction so on day 2 I had to drive to the pharmacy (not recommended- it hurt).
    I could cook, wash up, load the washer and move myself around the day after surgery but you need to move slowly and carefully and hold any weight as near to your body as you can.
    I honestly think you’ll struggle with uplift and implants and a tiny tot. You don’t want to cause yourself any damage. Try to get a friend to help out a day or two xx

    Montana 19

    Looks like there are a few of us in the same position then. Im hoping my other half can get a few days off work when i have it done to look after the little one. He’ll only get a week ofg max though so i just hope i can look after her myself after that. Xx

    Laura 47

    I think you’ll be fine after a week! It’s the first 2 or 3 days that’s the hardest. Also no one really mentions after a few days how bad the upper abdo pain is (I’m bruised down my breastbone to the bottom of my ribs). That’s fine for lifting but trying to get comfy is a nightmare x It’ll be worth it xx

    Stacey 496

    My partner works away also so I’ve been on my own for my recovery I’m a week post op now you won’t be able to lift your child or anything over 10lb really as could rupture your wound I’ve been ok pain wise been quite lucky really dunno weather that’s to do with having overs tho ? But I’ve been able to most things but lift my youngest who’s 18months xxx

    Montana 19

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    My daughter is definitely over 10lb shes a little chunk lol. Im going to keep my fingers crossed my other half can have the time off if not ill have to sweet talk my mum. X

    Tasha 1

    I have a five year old am 6wpo and it might be everyone different but my little girl had stay with her nanna i couldnt do anything in the first week you really do need help you be suprised wat you can and cant do i was so useless to my little girl so glad i had the help x

    Lisa 24

    I have a 1 & 2 year old. On day 2 I was able to pick them up – but knelt down next to them & popped them on my hip before standing. Best way to get them out their cot is stacking pillows for them to climb on to… I had mine done last Tuesday & ive been doing everything normal since day 4/5. Just he first day or 2 you’ll need help, and also the tiredness was crazy as well xx


    I’m day 6 po and have a 3 year old. Noway would I have been able to pick her up the first week but I had unders overs may be abit easier. Try and see if friends or family can help for the first week for the more difficult things like bathing them as I couldn’t life mine over the bath and little things like get someone to lay out the next days outfit so you don’t have to reach up in the wardrobe. Take it really easy you don’t want to over do it xxx.

    Montana 19

    Thanks for all your replies i really appreciate it xxx

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