Aftercare Started by: Emily

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  • Emily 12

    Hi girls, I’m due for my surgeon consultation next week and very likely to book however I’m concerned after reading many negative aftercare comments. Has everyone been left too it after they have the op ????!


    Good luck with your op Hun 🙂 there’s negatives and positives whoever you go with and when you meet the surgeon you’ll know in your heart of hearts if he/she is right for you 🙂 just go with your gut instinct xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m 6 months post op and my aftercare has been amazing I had problems the first 4 weeks into my recovery and they couldn’t of do enough for me xxx


    I honestly can say aftercare has been amazing. My PC is pretty useless she didn’t ring me to check up on me or anything but meh her job was kind of done. At my pre op appointment with the nurse we booked in my first two post op appointments. The immediate aftercare in the hospital was fantastic and my nurse was lovely at my check ups no rush no question too weird, and the one time I did ring to speak to her she was lovely and even asked further questions about how I was feeling etc. At the end of the day your paying for the operation. Aftercare is important but I think it’s important to have realistic expectations. I wouldn’t be upset if no one rang me to see how I was feeling. If I was feeling unwell it would be my job to ring them. I haven’t had any proper post op issues with surgeons etc so I can’t speak for that but honestly I feel confident that I would be helped if I did and I certainly would reccomend both mya and my surgeon to friends.

    Emily 12

    Thank you everyone that’s a great help, appreciate all your comments !!! Xx

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