Agony on Day 3 PO Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 8

    Hey ladies, I was beginning to think I had the pain under control but I’m coming into day 3 and it’s worse than ever. Any tips to ease it? I’m taking my meds, do ice packs give any relief? Xx

    B Michaela 24

    Ice packs are heaven!!! I came off meds on the evening of day 3 because ice made it feel sooo much better! The evening/night was always worse for me definitely give it a go! 😀
    Hope your recovering well and it’s only going to get better 😀 knowing day 3 is the worst is what got me through xxx

    Laura 8

    Is it normal to have one boob feel tighter and higher than the other?xx

    Ashie 36

    Where can you buy ice packs from x

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