Alcohol before operation Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley 30

    My op is on the 13th July and I have a wedding on the 9th, went to my pre op yesterday she said I can’t have a drop of alcohol now, she also said no sunbeds from now but I’m 100 percent sure it’s 2 weeks, I looked on the info given it says no alcohol 48 hours before , i don’t want to go mad but would love a couple on the wedding, what has everyone else been told? Help me please haha xx

    Rachael 9

    Hi @Hayley, I was advised 2 weeks before at my pre op but definitely 48 hours before . My op is Sunday and I had a few drinks on Saturday so will work out a week! sure you will be absolutely fine have a few! xx

    Hayley 30

    It’s a big family wedding just feel like I’ll feel left out if I don’t have a couple , even to toast ? It’s Saturday night and my op is on the Wednesday so it’s 4 days , think I might go for it just didn’t want to put myself in danger 🙁 x

    Rachael 9

    I wouldn’t worry, think its more of an advisory same with not drinking after for two weeks, to speed up recovery! im dreading this weekend not drinking hahah thinks its more cos I know I can’t! all be worth it xx

    Hayley 30

    She said it thins your blood?! I don’t generally drink just wanted a couple at the wedding 🙁 yes Definately will be worth it I can’t wait bet you can’t either x

    Emily 24

    Yea they advise 2 weeks because of thinning of the blood. I didn’t chance it but then I didn’t have a special occasion. I can’t see a couple being a massive deal but when I also went online it was 48 hours so I guess they’re just being extra cautious xx

    Hayley 30

    So they advised that to you too, I just think if it was an emergency op people might have been drinking that night kind of thing ? I think I’ll have a Google and then decide , a couple of drinks aren’t worth the risk of its high but if there just saying it then I wouldn’t mind a couple ha ha x

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