Alcohol post op Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 5

    I’m now 12dpo most just feeling uncomfortable still however seen the nurse two days ago and my incisions are healing fine and now covered with sterri strips. Nurse said strictly no alcohol for 6 weeks, I was wondering why? I’m not on pain killers anymore and just wondered what issue having a drink could cause? X

    Aimee 8

    HI Kim. It can delay the healing process and wound recovery. It can also increase risk of bleeding if anything did go wrong. They are just being safe whilst your scars heal x

    Becca 167

    It’s to do with your blood vessels dilating which could in theory cause a bleed but it’s very unlikely.

    J 36

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    Omg I didn’t know hahahah
    I am 7 weekd PO, had a crazy night out at 5w PO, and had occasonal drink before that.. Probably not the best for your body due to stress and etc but oh well.. too late now. I don’t think i had any alcohol until 3/4weeks thought 🙂

    Lauren 12

    I drank after a few days post op. I was never told I couldn’t, I only knew it wasn’t advised after searching online. But didn’t have any issues, but it was a glass or two at a time. I didn’t go ‘out out’ until a few weeks once I was feeling comfortable.

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