All done and feeling great! 🙂
375cc overs!
in love with my new boobs already 🙂
absolutely fine. eaten 2 packs of biscuts, sandwhich, juice and also had a wee. so awaiting my final obs and discharge 🙂 Yay!
alot better than i was expecting.
how has your days been? hope all went well.hun xx
All good morning was a breeze wasn’t worried at all they were all brilliant. I always react to anaesthetic so I’ve been put in an anti sickness drip as when I eat I throw up! I feel very stiff and aching but apart from that I’m peachy! What did you have? X
375cc overs with Mr Traynor. he is so lovely! and all the staff at preston are brilliant. can not fault it.
my first time with anasthetic and its been better than expected. 🙂
what did you have? xx
Laura can I friend request you please hun. I have a terrible time with anaesthetic, to the point where I’ve been desperately trying to find surgeon that will do it under sedation. I lee getting told that I’ll be fine with general cos they’ll give me anti sickness but I’m not convinced…I was sick for 2 weeks after the last general I had, but it was 8 years ago. Would love to hear how you get on! And congrats to both you ladies…..happy new boobies day to you both!! Hope you have a speedy recovery and love your results! X
Laura – Kazazzi uses twilight seditation as far as im aware hun xx
So glad your surgerys went well girls, I was last on the list today so didn’t really get chance to see anyone. Enjoy your new boobs I absolutely love mine already xx
How is everyone feeling today?! Like you’ve been hit by a bus by any chance lol yep me too! I set my alarm for every 4 hours through the night for meds best advice ever better to be woken by your alarm than a build up of pain. Xx
im suprised that i have 0 pain and only too painkillers at 8pm last night. i havnt been waking to take them either. fingers crossed its smooth sailing from here ????
hope you girls all feel ok
Don’t ignore the meds though as they will help with healing and reducing swelling. Glad your doing ok! Xx
I’m the same as you Diane I just feel like I’ve done an intense gym session but to be fair I had mine over the muscle, I know if I had them behind I’d be in a hell of a lot more pain. Mr Trainor didn’t send me home with any codine because he doesn’t like it so I’m just on ibuprofen and paracetamol but so far that’s fine. It’s just the sleeping issues I woke up a few times, not in pain just because I couldn’t sleep properly sat up. I might try the settee tonight. Glad you both feel okay. WE HAVE BOOBS! xx
Morning ladies!! I had unders and I’m feeling rather achey this morning and can’t really move my arms! Haha I can’t believe how well yesterday went!!! I slept like a log considering I was sat up! Onwards and upwards now we all have boobs! Woo!! Xx
Bernie im the same. i had overs so didnt get any codine. taking ibuprofen tho but i domt think im overly swollen. so im a very happy girl right now 🙂
glad to hear you are all doing okay xxx
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