Home › Forums › Breast Procedures › Breast Enlargement › All done 400 uhp unders dr mounir :)
So so so happy. Just had my BA. Bloody love them already!!!! Just waiting to go home now. Will upload my story in the next couple of days.xxxx
Congrats on the new boobs! Happy healing hun xx
Congrats hun xx
Congrats hun, happy healing! xx
Congrats over and done with now x x
Congrats hun!! Mines two weeks Friday and hoping he can squeeze 400cc in me! Looking fab already xx
Thanks girls 🙂 I’m over the moon. So happy! I feel complete now and like a woman! Best choice I’ve ever made.xxxxxx
Fantastic xxx
😀 xxx
Congrats Hun they are looking good already! Happy healing xxx
Woah yours look good already! Mine look so weird xx
They have changed already 🙂 going to put my story up now. I’ll do it on the forum and on my profile.I’ll be hiding my face on my profile pic from now on though…just as a precaution from fake profiles.xxxx
they look really good, congrats hun x
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