Hey girls, had my op this morning and feeling the strain a little now! From waking up I had minimal pain, more like discomfort.
My mum put on my bra as soon as I was back as the HCA said within the hour and I felt although they would have fallen of the front if ide of waited.
Changed my mind at the last min and went for the 400.
Il keep everyone updated and put ok pics ASAP!!!
Glad all went well and you are feeling ok. What size were you before? I’m unsure on what size to go for either going to have 350,375 or 400 . I will keep posted to see your pics x
Happy new boobies day chick 🙂 & happy healing x
Awwww yay! I was fine earlier Gabrielle but definately feeling it now, especially as I’ve tried to pick up my little one (I know I shouldn’t but I’m a mummy just wanted to give her a cuddle haha!) can’t reach the cupboard etc. Can’t wait to see the pics so jealous you got to have 400cc!!!!! Bet they look fab xxxxxx
Hey girls and thank you xxx
Ye I was undecided because iv seen so many surgeons now and some wouldn’t go above 350 and I was being offered that as a push as I’m so small and have got to 7stone 10 for the op.
Dr traynor said he would try and he suceeded, he’s fab girls.
What did you have vic? Cc wise and hp?
And I was ok earlier tbh but didn’t really sit down till about half 8 coz it’s so much more painful sitting down as it is to being stood up!!
And the macom is soooo tight I’m only a 30 normally and the 34 is still tight and my incisions feel sore two girls. We had to be there for 8 so was up before 5 to travel, that hasn’t helped.
Hope your ok babe xxxx
Is that a pink macom?!? I love it! I didn’t know they did pink so got a white one. Xxx and mr traynor is the only surgeon I’ve seen and he offered me 350cc high profile unders and 350 was at a push he said. I’d have loved 400’s but he’s the expert so I trust his recommendations x I had literally 0 breast tissue no boobs at all. I’m just over 8 stone and 5’4″ 32AA I love mr traynor he’s fabulous isn’t he xxxxxx
And oh gosh no ur joking? X I have a size 32 macom just got my usual size. That sounds like a far journey! Bet you are glad to be home! Xxxxxxxxxx hope you feel better soon darling xxxxxx
No babe it’s the nude it’s the light in the apartment! I and yeh if he was the only one you seen then he is right I went with his opinion over others!! And see I did have tissue just so ugly and coned ahah.
How are u?
Hope your better soon too babe!!!
And thanks Kim girl! Am made up xxxxxx
I have some with MYA I forgot to get some :0 il put em on my profile when I do. xxx
They look great well done Hun hope healing goes we’ll keep us updated xx
Thanks Hun I will do! Iv sent you a request xxx
Ahhhhh right it totally looks pink haha! Can’t wait to go get some pretty ones from marks and Spencer’s going to get a couple weeks use out of my macom first x and yeah he’s amazing isn’t he I would trust him with my life seriously he’s made me the happiest girl ever! And Atleast you won’t think they’re ugly and coney now they’ll look so good! Can’t wait for the drop and fluff to take place x and same to you lovely girl hope you get on alright xxx I am really struggling to get out of bed it’s like a pulling sensation x and I can’t get comfy sleeping upright. I jerked in my sleep like woah cause I nearly topped over out the bed in my sleep while sat up! Hate sharing my bed this is why! Bloody men eh xxxxxxx
Yes vic I’m only gunna do a week in this macom to help the swelling then gunna go into an m&s/Victoria secret bra. I can’t either one of my girls had me traynor about 6 months ago and she re sent me pics last night that made me feel soooo much better! You should see the shape now! Mine are pointy and stuck on.
Last night was hard feels like my stomach and my back are breaking keep slipping down the bed, only got about 4 hours on and off. My boyfriend has literally been pulling me up to sit up, and that’s when the pulling sensation comes and it’s hard to breathe, but only for a minute or so each time. I am a proper wimp with pain and it all just seems to be killing me, but it’s all worth it in the end girlies 😀
I wish my boyfriend was as helpful as yours haha! Whenever I say something I get told “it’s not like you’ve had major surgery Vicky” it’s like wow cheers! He clearly doesn’t understand how painful it is! X it’s horrible isn’t it x and I haven’t even looked at mine since yesterday I jus feel like they’re going to be too small! Really glad I have boobs but I wanted bigger, x jus gonna see over the next 6 weeks or so if they begin to change. What pain relief are you taking? I chose codeine. Xxxxxxxxxx hope you feel better soon! We will only feel like this for like 1-2weeks and be back to normal and it will be sooooo worth ! Xxxxxxxx
And do Victoria’s Secret do post op bra sxxxxxxxx
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