All done Started by: chrissyb

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    Well iv just Had my ba today with mr Singh and omg what a ledge and amazing man!So far im very happy with them had 525 Xhp and crease lowered from asymmetric tubular A/aa and im only a little sore at the mo but trying not to overdose on Any meds cz i think thr might make me feel a bit crap! Thanks for everyone’s help and advice any questions girls feel free to ask! Pics to come soon xxx


    Congratulations, enjoy resting & getting used to your new boobs! It’s such a great experience, I can see why people get addicted to surgery! Lol I’m 2 weeks po & they are looking better every day! X

    bailey64 2

    wow I’m so glad you are happy!!
    Keep in touch chic and let me know your progress xxx


    Amazing! Me too lol I Just hope i don’t get double bubble or anything serious lol going to just b positive tho, I asked him about double bubble and he just said” no ur going to have beautiful e. cup boobies!” Xxxx


    Hope you don’t mind if I add you. I’m having 525cc in march xx


    Hello hope it’s ok to add I’m having 525 and mr singh in march 😀 xxx

    lynseygibz 1

    Congrats on your new boobies Hun happy healing xxx


    Thanks girls yeh sure I accepted you both 🙂 bailey il defo keep in touch let u know what happening and girls your in safe hands with mr Singh his amazing so far neway! Xxx

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