All done! 650 Hp! Already love them! Started by: Erika

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  • Erika 8

    I am 3 hours post op but absolutely love them already!!! The last minute I’ve changed my mind so I had 650cc (partials) instead of 600cc. They are swollen but that’s normal. I wish I could fast forward so they d&f !!! 🙂
    I can’t fault MYA! The stuff is AMAZING!! 🙂 hopefully they’ll let me go home soon 🙂 I’ll be uploading some pic as soon as I can!! Xxx

    Beth 9

    It’s so nice to read how chuffed you are already! Good choice going for the bigger cc, surgeons always advise to do this when unsure as they’ve never had a client come back complaining they’re too big! Hope you don’t mind the add xx

    Erika 8

    Yeah, I was so unsure so I told him to pick the size for me! Of course not! I’ll accept you now! Xx

    LanaBarr 20

    Congrats Erika! Can’t wait too see your progress! Xx

    Erika 8

    Aww, thank you hun!I am having my stapping removed next Tuesday so i will definitely take a few pics and upload some soon.xx

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