Can’t believe how fast today went! Got there early so they ended up doing the op early and I was out after under an hour of the op. I only had the sedation so was such a quick recovery! However I felt a lot more during the op than expected! I’m in soo much pain right now so won’t be uploading pics till tomorrow I’m afraid. Xxx
Wow so you were awake during it all? Hope you feel better tomorrow? Where did you have the op if you dont mind me asking. Rhi xx
Not fully awake I was sedated so felt sleepy and went to sleep for abit of it jut felt reallyyyy drunk haha! But I felt abit more than I thought I would for the bits I was concious. I was at the natural look clinic in Doncaster with me kazzazi! I did have under the muscle too which will make it more painful! I can’t fault the staff and surgeon at all, everyone was lovely and made me feel so much better. I remember crying for part of it and the anesthetist calming me down and stroking my face! He was fab xxxx
Awww, can’t believe your online and fine after only having your op. Gives me hope. Im petrified but know it has to be done. I was thinking of waiting until around June to save a little more but now i think i’m just going to go for it and put it on the credit card. Haha. When did you have your consultation? Really glad you feel okay-as okay as you can be. 🙂 xxx
Well done that doesn’t sound like a fun experience. Hope the pain has eased? Why did he go under you looked like u had great boobs to begin with, with lots of tissue?
Hope u feeling better this-am?
My first consultation was beginning of February. I just didn’t want to wait too long for them as I’ve wanted them since I was 18 (2yrs) now. Yeah the sedation was amazing for the recovery I was out under an hour after and felt fine apart from the boob pain. If I was to do it again I would do for general though as I felt a lot more pain through the sedation than I thought I would! The aneathatist was lovely though stroking my face to try calm me down! They do look better on the pics than they did here Nicole lol! They were quite full at the bottom but very flat at the top and I really didn’t want the round shape of the implant showing so he did unders. Still quite abit of pain but hopefully it will be worth it xxx
Gosh ur brave having sedation. Glad all went well.
Wow so you went for it quite soon then. Was that with a late space availability or is that a general waiting time ? xx
Thanks! Yeah it was, I got money off because it was so soon but it wasn’t a proper late space xxx
im hoping to have mine in by may to give them a good 7 months before out Thailand travels. Eeek love success stories hehe. xx
Yeah especially if your having unders give yourself time to recover! It’s not the easiest but will be worth it after all the pain lol! The aneathatist stopped them strapping them up so I could look at them first, he was so nice! Xxx
He sounds lovely. Glad it all went well. You are now the proud owner of beautiful boobies 😀
Thanks girls 🙂 xxx
I had mine done yesterday too but at highgate 🙂 felt so sleepy for hours after and had quite bad nausea but today I feel so much better just achy, hope you’re feeling ok today xxx
I was okay this morning but the pain is just getting worse for me 🙁 xxx
How’s your recovery?xx
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