All done!!! Read if your scared! Started by: Georgina Hutchinson

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    Just come out of surgery a few hours ago with Mr Traynor, I can’t fault the team or my surgeon one bit and I love my new boobs!! I was as Preston and all though the wait was ridiculous I’m so happy! I was so nervous and cried when I went down for anaesthetic, they were so lovely, distracted me from thinking about it and was asking me loads of questions making me laugh whilst the anaesthetic was working!! Next thing I woke up with boobs. Everyone is so so lovely and go out of their way to make you feel at ease and comftorable. I know it’s hard but please don’t worry, it’s over before you know it!! Any questions please just ask me!!

    Kendra 6

    So glad to hear everything went fine Georgina and that your feeling well! I was first one down so my wait wasn’t too bad! Feel a bit crappy now, not really much pain just feel a bit sick and a little tight. Love my new boobs!!


    Do you like them then!!? My wait was ages about 4 hours but so worth it! Did u get antibiotics? I got some paracetamol and cocodamol or however you spell it but thought I was gonna get antiobitoics to help with infection etc? Xx

    Kendra 6

    Yeah I love them opened my bra last night and they looked loads bigger. Nor I think the anti biotics go in your drip. I got codiene paracetamol and ibuprofen x

    13 2

    Kendra I’m glad all went well and you like them, I’m struggling with pain today but love them can’t wait for them to stop feeling as hard XXX

    Millie-Rose 33

    Thank you for sharing! I’m booked in for December and I’m soooo nervous about the anaesthetic !!!


    Honestly don’t be!! They’re so lovely and it’s their job to keep you calm. Mine were talking to me about where I go out and what I drink when I’m out, next thing I knew I was waking up!! Just tell them your scared & they’ll put you at ease!

    Millie-Rose 33

    I’ve booked an extra consultation just to go over my worries so hopefully that will help! Reading posts like this has also been sooooo useful in making me chill. I guess it’s just like going to sleep except I’ll wake up with boobs rather than wake up to go into Uni!!!


    I completey understand. I was terrified of something going wrong, the person doing my anaesthaetic explained there was an antidote for everything in the anaesthetic and there’s more chance of being hit by a car crossing the road rather than something going wrong under anaesthetic! Such a weird feeling but I remember speaking to them and feeling like I was drunk and then waking up with boobs!!! The calmer you are, the easier it’ll be! Easier said than done but I promise you’ll be absolutely fine & your in safe hands!

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