Almost 3 weeks post op 425’s Started by: Melissa

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  • Melissa 6

    Hi Ladies

    I’m almost 3 weeks post op… I was a small – very small 34b. I went for 425 HP dual plane. First week & a bit for hell. I was in so much pain and I’m usually really good with pain. Thing started to ease around week 2. I have the odd niggle here and there but nothing painful. My right boob has been the most painful for me. It’s still sitting quite high up compared to my left, it’s a lot harder than my left. I know it’s still early days I just need some reassurance. I’m going to see my surgeon when I hit the 8 week mark.

    I’ll try to post a pic below

    Hope everyone is healing well & good luck to anyone due to have theirs 💕 xx

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Melissa 6.
    Melissa 6


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    Kaz Wilks 41

    Amazing Melissa – they look unreal 😍 are you happy? Xxx

    Melissa 6

    Hi Kaz

    Thank you so much 🥰 I just feel like my nipples look wonky. I’m hoping they even out once they settle. That’s my only reservation. Apart from that I’m happy with them xxx

    Rachel 7

    Hey, they look amazing so far!! Bet you can’t wait for the drop and fluff to really set in! 😍 I’m having 405 dual plane in a few weeks so this really reassures me about having them, they look great xxx

    Melissa 6

    Hi Rachel

    Thank you so much 🥰 I’m glad my pics helped reassure you. It always helps to see them on someone else. I’m hoping mines get a bit bigger in time & of course level off. Best of luck with your op, I hope you enjoy your new boobs 💕 xxx

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Melissa 6.

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