Alot of pain since surgery 3 dpo Started by: Bethany

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  • Bethany 4

    Hi ladies

    I had my surgery Sunday just gone and ever since I’ve had the surgery I have been in so much pain, I’ve read so many story’s of ladies saying the pain isn’t that bad but honestly mine has been horrendous 😟

    I suffered really bad with sickness when I had the surgery for 2 days, I stopped the Co codeamol as I think this was what was causing it, I’m only taking Paracetamol and ibuprofen at the minute at its not touching the pain. I’ve just rang my gp and I’m waiting for a doctor to give me a call back to see if I can have some muscle relaxers and see if that will help as I’m so tensed up.

    In the back of my mind I’m thinking I wish I never had it done as the pain I’m getting is unbearable but then it’s something I’ve wanted for such a long time, if anyone has had a similar experience or could give any advice I would greatly appreciate it

    Charley 8

    I’m currently in the same boat, I had my surgery on the 20/08 and I am still in extreme pain after catching COVID 6 days post op. I’m trying to manage with just paracetamol but it doesn’t really do to much. I am hoping each day I get through is a day closer to being pain free.
    I really hope the GP can give you something else to take the edge of the pain and fingers crossed you’ll feel so much better. A few weeks of pain for a life time of boobies x

    Natasha 36

    Bethany it really is true what they say day 3-5 are the worst. They were so emotional and really off putting but once you pull through the other side it’s definitely worth it

    Rc 8

    I had my surgery on 26th august, the first week is awful! I was on constant ibruprofen and paracetamol, it was worse when I wwas sat down! It really is painful x

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