Am I doing the right thing? Started by: Hummingbird

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    Hi ladies
    I had a breast enlargement last Tuesday with ms lutz.. I am over the moon!! And she has done a fantastic job…i had 200cc high profile. I was a small 32a before surgery but am now wearing a 34c high impact bra. Im very petite tho. I’m 5ft 4 and just under 8 stone..I’m now 9days post op.
    Healing great and there dropping lovely and to be honest there’s been moments of harsh uncomfortableness but overall the pain has not been that bad at all. Now I went for my 1week check up on Tuesday this week and the nurse couldn’t remove my stitches because the insisions were still too soft and needed and extra 4/5 days till they can come out.
    I live quite a trek from the clinic and it took me 2 1/2 hours to get there and I left at 9am. I didn’t get back till 2.40 just in time to pick my 2 children up from school. So I asked if I could get them removed by a nurse at my gp..
    So she emails ms lutz to ask if that was ok.. she would prefer me to get them removed there but she understands my situation and is fine with me having them out at the gp. it’s such a long way and I’ve been up once already this week. Plus Im still not allowed to drive yet and my partner has just taken a week off work to look after me and also yesterday he drove me there.. I don’t have anyone else who can drive me and he can’t take any more time off especially xmas being round the corner..She said tho if there are any problems if I go ahead and go to my gp then it’s down to the gp..
    I mean is it very technical? and could something go wrong? I’m not sure what to do? X

    Samaj003 16

    This is a sticky one. Technically, the removal of stitches is a fairly straight forward task. However, if your wound is not fully healed you may need a couple of visits. Ie. Alternate stitch removal. My concerns would lie with the emphasis being passed to the gp as to ‘if things go wrong?’. I would ask them to clarify what this passing statement refers to.

    Have you discussed with the gp/nurse regarding the stitch removal. They may not be happy to do this following non- essential cosmetic surgery.

    I appreciate your predicament, but personally i would return to the orginal point of care.


    I wouldn’t like to comment on your decision here but all I will say is I had my stitches removed yesterday and the appointment literally took no time at all and stitches came out with no trouble or pain. The actual removal too literally 1 minute max with 2 in one and 3 on uh other. . My surgeon left my stitches in for 2 weeks so I’m unsure why they would try to to remove them at one week anyway. I can totally understand not wanting to travel that distance for such a quick appointment. I can’t imagine stitch removal is that complicated to be totally honest and would be surprised if a nurse at your local gp wasn’t more than qualified to do it. But again I wouldn’t like to comment on your personal stitches it’s totally up to you. Just wanted to let you know my experience x

    Stacey 498

    If it was me Hun o would go back to mya and have them taken out I know it’s a pain in the arse but it’s really just to cover your back if anything was to go wrong then mrs lutz could get funny with you not having them out at mya esp with her comment saying if anything goes wrong then it’s down to your gp xxxx

    Wendy 16

    If it was me I would go back to mya as if you get an infection or anything happens you have no comeback, (it prob won’t but not worth the risk) x

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