anesthetic worrys…:( Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 1

    The thought of being under anesthetic terrifies me!! 🙁 whats it like girls?? Will I no im under or will it seem like 1 second has gone by? xxxx


    Defiantly feels like no time has gone by! I was crying when they were putting the needle in but instantly started to feel sleepy and then before i knew it i was waking up recovery! Such a weird experience but nothing to worry about, id do it all over again tomorrow xx

    Chloe 1

    Im such a worrier!! I worry about everything ha! How do u feel when you come round?? x


    I got a bit worried about that before I went down as well. Its weird when they are giving you the drugs you feel really dizzy then your gone. When I woke up I remembered I’d had some dreams and felt like I’d just been to sleep for a bit. You will be fine don’t worry about it they are very reassuring, the anaesthetist I had was quite dishy as well so I was more distracted by him than going under ha! x x


    Just happy and sleepy! I felt kind of drunk to be honest (in a good way) you also feel really chatty, the nurses couldnt shut me up lol xx

    Chloe 1

    Thank you so much! haha Christ i talk a lot anyway! Im going to be a nightmare!! 😀

    Cascada 1

    Haha I was soo worried about the needle, like wasn’t bothered about the surgery or anything, I’m a massive wuss when it comes to needles, I’ve avoided every single vaccination since I was about 10 because of it. Feel faint at the thought of it, but it’s totally fine, doesn’t hurt and the before you know it your waking up and it’s all done! 🙂 plus any nervs you have just think of the boobies youl have when you wake up! 🙂 xx

    Hannah 1

    It’s over in a flash you wont have a clue. And when you wake up with your boobies you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about. I was SO scared about it I kept saying to my anesthetist “what if it doesn’t work?!” “what if I wake up in surgery?!” he was just laughing at me and explained that they monitor you the whole time. You will be absolutely fine 🙂 xxx


    Honestly babes they are all so right! I was the same kept thinking my heart would stop and all sorts but I’m hear 5 days on lol they are all great you have nothing to worry about xxx

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