Guys, I’m not sticking up for anyone but… Sometimes if someone has left everything ends up in the air. Please try not to think bad, I thought that at the start. Esp: when people are saying they get calls and stuff all the time. If no-one phones by tomorrow (I’m sure the team on here will make sure they do) then I’d be upset! But remember there’s hundreds of women getting this done, they all have a pc some pc’s may have a few girls on the go, then one leaves, someone else needs to take them on.. Holidays and so on.. Yes they do get paid but like everyone, might be a bad day for them/holiday/just shit day alone with lots of different girls. Just trying to say there human like us all and each of our cases are so different and at the end of the day I’m sure it’s just a ba**s up but they happen in life xx hope someone phones soon or why not phone and ask (in a nice homely manner) if u have been forgot about. Maybe I’m wrong xx