Annoyed Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I asked to be one of the first down on monday, but I’m arriving at the hospital at like 2. This just means that I’m going to be nervous all day, where as if I was the morning case I could have got it over and done with, so I’m scared I’ll proper freak out as the day goes on 🙁 also, you apparently can’t drink alcohol 2 weeks prior and its my best friends birthday on saturday night :(! Has anyone got any advice, what would happen if I did drink?xx


    Hello Hun! Don’t be worried!! Everyone freaks out to a certain degree before hand anyways! I’d of been happy with the lay in hahaha! And the reason you’re not allowed to drink 2 weeks before hand is that it thins your blood! Also I was told you need to be as ‘natural’ as possible before surgery! I’d strongly suggest you listen to the surgeon! You’d kick yourself if any thing went wrong!!xx


    Thank you for your reply, it was my friends birthday and it was horrible seeing everyone go out without me, but it will be worth it! I’ve weirdly decided that I’m not going to have a lie in, I’m going to do an all nighter, because the anathestic freaks me out so much, I’m basically putting my whole life in the care of people I’ve never met before, so if I’m so tired I’ll just be like yeah okay, lets get it over and done with, where as if I’m awake I’ll have energy and freak out haha xx


    I’ve also never been under anasthetic or had an operation, do you know when its coming, like do they tell you when you should black out? I’m so scared haha!xx


    No probs Hun! Well done! Just think you’ve got all the time in the world to go out afterwards! It’s just a few weeks of being a recluse then you’ll be back on your feet again!! Seriously don’t over think it! You will be fine!! All the nurses and the atheists are lovely! They deal with panicking girls everyday! They know exactly what to say to comfort you! Trust me there is nothing to worry about! I cried from leaving the room and while I was being but to sleep and I can honestly tell you that when I have my next op I doubt I will even be upset! It’s just the not knowing that gets to you but honestly Hun it is nothing! You feel like you literally blink me then your boobies are there!! Haha!! Trust me i freak out at everything and I would go through it again!!! I hope this helps!?! As soon as you wake up you are soo hungry as well!! All I was thinking about was food lool! You are well looked after so stop being a chicken 🙂 you can do it!!!sxxxxx


    Thank you so much for your reassurance! I’m going down tomorrow, wish me luck! 😀 xxx

    ayshababy 5

    Girls dont worry you can ask for a gas mask before any of that do ur really relaxed n u dont even feel any injection or the canula thing! I was crying and shaking like a leaf on my way down to theatre, the nurse was like y didnt u say u was nervous?! The gas mask made me fall asleep thinkin about bikinis lol! And a fit boy who walked in wearing scrubs 🙂


    Thats such a good idea, thank you! I was going to ask to be like sedated before I went down, but then I was worried that they might have thought I didn’t want to go through with it xx


    I had the gas mask, they just put on me lol, did wonder y i felt so at ease 🙂 I would do all over again too, when it’s over you will be wondering what you were worried about x

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