anti anxiety medication previous to surgery, help?! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hello, in my consultation I was asked if I was on any anti depression medication, to which I said no, becuase I had stopped them 3 months before, when I went to my nurse appointment she asked if I had ever been on them, I said I took tablets for my anxiety and I was last prescribed them on the 4th of January… I was then told you had to be 6 months clear of them before having the surgery! So had to pay £150 to move my day! But I wasn’t told this in the first place?! Has this happened to anyone else?

    Jade 19

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    Hi Chelsea. I was in a similar situation to this. I was involved in a plane incident whilst at work that was quite serious. I needed anti depressants, anxiety meds and counselling. I mentioned all this on the iPad at my first consultation to which my PC just scanned over. I then went on to meet my surgeon and paid £500 as a deposit to book my surgery date. It wasn’t until my pre-op, when the nurse basically said I had to wait six months. I fought back and blamed the incident at work. I also argued that I had told them two months ago and it was on the system, they should of looked at my file before allowing me to book surgery. A lot of stress, worry, tears & two doctors letters later – they finally okayed me for the op on the original date I had booked. X

    Brittany 25

    I was on anti-depressants when I had my surgery? They just asked my doctors if I was mentally stable to have the op done and they said yes then all went ahead 🙁 How awful for you!

    Sonia 20

    I paid for my op in full and had it cancelled the week before! I kicked up a massive complaint and got letters from my GP and Psychiatrist both saying I was mentally stable for the surgery. My op went ahead on Tuesday but I went through a lot of unecessary upset to get it done. I did get an apology via my PC but still think the policy on depression is blinkered and each individual person’s stays needs looking into. It seems that at the moment if you take anti depressants or have done they’re not interested regardless of your reason. I found it really upsetting for them to say I’m not mentally stable when I have been for over a year now. I hope you get this sorted. Private message me if you think I can help. Sorry this has happened to you as well xx

    Amy Parren 38

    Hi girls yes this has happened to me very recently too. I paid for my surgery in full then went for my pre op where they went over the checklist and said ‘sorry your going to hate me but your exempt’!! I was absolutely gobsmacked. I had counselling due to a break up and custody issues of my little boy which I had self referred myself too for advice. No meds or anything. I absolutely couldn’t believe what they where saying too me. I had paid in full and wasted another train fare (the previous week I had been in and paperwork wasn’t complete so I had to go back). This was last Thursday. On the Friday I got a doctors letter to say I was fit. It was faxed over Monday and I got the go ahead Monday evening from MYA. I’m currently on the train to fitzroy for my pre op before my surgery next Sunday. Fight your case! I would want my £150 back. I want my train fare back and that’s only £34 + childcare!! I’m annoyed that they don’t go through your medical history BEFORE YOU PAY to make sure your fit for surgery. Surely this is completely the wrong way round. I would of gone elsewhere if it wasn’t for my lovely PC Hannah and Dr.Marcilleno who I feel comfortable and safe with and the fact that I have had to arrange childcare and my mum take annual leave. Add me if I can be of any help and stand up for what you thinks right xx


    Exact same thing happened to me hun. Just paid 150 and op is pushed back 4 weeks so I have been on tablets for 6 months. Xxx

    Kelly 2

    I am on anti anxiety meds. I actually rang for more info from mya before I started taking them because I didn’t want to bugger my chances, who spoke to their clinicians who confirmed that i would be fine on them as long as i was on a stable dose. I then went on and asked Mr mounir on the day of consultation and he said it is down to him not the gp and unless I was mentally unfit and not in the right frame of mind then the op would go ahead. we will see when pre op day comes. slightly worried now x

    sinead 18

    im on anti anxiety meds too and have been for a year now. Stress of university and training to be a midwife! Im really concerned now that I wont be able to go ahead? I have my first consultation on friday. Im not really sure what to do now. Id be so so disappointed if they say no 🙁

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