Anxiety! Started by: Violet

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  • Violet 22

    My BA is next month but every now and then I get SO worried about surgery. Never had surgery or been put under before. Idk how I’ll feel the night before and on the day!! Also scared about the pain after. I know I’ve dreamt about having them done forever, but now it’s finally becoming real it’s freaking me out. It’s things like being under, having a tube down my throat, I’m having unders so they have to cut the muscle away, the drains I will have, the drugs they give you and how that will affect me like antibiotics, etc. I’m really squeamish so thinking about all this is like 🤮

    Does anyone has any advice or can share their experiences? Need the motivation! Xx

    Birgit 10

    My surgery is on friday… and until this week I was very nervous and Also had big anxiety etc. From monday I have been so calm and ready, don’t get me wrong I am super excited but all the anxiety has gone away 😀

    Violet 22

    Aww that’s lovely to hear that you’re feeling calmer now. I hope I also feel like this haha! How exciting 😍. What are you getting? And have you bought anything to prep for post surgery like bras and pillows etc?

    Birgit 10

    I have bought two icepacks and I already have pregnancy pillow because I have been pregnant two times 😀 I Also bought a buttoned pyjama and one sportsbra. I am getting 275cc motiva ergonomix implants and right now I am flat 😂 I hope your anxiety also goes away 🙂 I have to be in the hospital at 8.15 am friday, so I think surgery is at 10 or sooner:)

    Bee 42

    I had surgery in March and felt the same, it’s strange as when the day arrives you feel completely at ease due to everyone being professional, calm and reassuring at the hospital. Being put under is an experience that they try to make as relaxing and lighthearted as possible… they asked me what my favourite cocktail was (ha) and said that the anaesthetic will feel like I’ve had a few of those! it goes so quickly, then you wake up with your new boobs and it can be overwhelming as you feel so happy with your decision. Stock up on laxatives, drink plenty of water and prepare meals for afterwards in advance (even better if you have a boyfriend/parent/friend to help) as you can’t reach to grab say cereal from a top shelf or anything. I felt much practically back to normal by day 10/11, then 2 weeks was absolutely fine. Good luck x

    Violet 22

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    Oh thanks so much! Are your ice packs just those rectangle ones? Ooh a buttoned pj set is such a good idea – I’m gonna buy a set. Amazing – I’m also getting 275-300cc HP as I’m also flat as a pancake 😂. Aww thank you lovely – good luck with your surgery hope your recovery goes smoothly 😊!

    Violet 22

    Ahh thanks so much for this it’s SO helpful. I really hope that I’m calm on the day, I honestly can’t wait until it’s done. Good to know that they make it relaxing as possible – in my head I just pictured me getting there, them stripping me off and hooking me up to equipment surrounded by scary utensils, been watching too many dramatic films during lockdown 🙈😂

    Thanks for the info on what to buy and to meal prep! Such good advice as my other half is not much of a cook haha – did you get a certain bra(s)? And what medication do they actually give you? I’m worried about being pilled up aha xx

    Birgit 10

    I have icepacks that are covered with a fabric? If that makes sense. Since I live in Estonia and have my surgery here I think there is No point to give you a link for these 🤣 I thought since I can’t change clothes anyway for few days at least, I had to buy something that looks and feels nice 🙂

    Natasha 36

    Hey, I had my ba two weeks ago tomorrow. I’ve had a fair few operations in the past (longest was 8 hours). It’s so natural to be worried about the anaesthetic- even I was leading up to it on the day but it really is fine. The surgery is so short it’s over in a flash, you feel the coldness of the anaesthetic in your hand and within seconds you just feel like you’re naturally drifting off to sleep. The surgery is so short that you don’t really feel overly groggy from the anaesthetic you wake up hearing the nurse call your name and everyone is so friendly. They get you back into your room within minutes of waking up. You just feel like you’ve just had a good snooze. You won’t know you’ve had any tubes down your throat, you may feel like you have a scratchy throat post surgery but that’s all. As for drains, most surgeons don’t often use them anymore but I have had some in my neck before and you can’t feel them, just feels a bit odd when they remove them. Also, a lot of surgeons don’t prescribe antibiotics, you’ll have them during surgery and that’s it. Depending on your surgeon it’s likely you will only be prescribed paracetamol and ibuprofen so go to the pharmacy beforehand and buy some paramol.

    Pain wise, it’s actually been okay. I got 350cc hp unders and I had nothing to begin with, I really pushed it to the maximum. The worse pain for me was where the incisions were and where the compression bra was squeezing on it. That was quite sore but just buy a stock of big oval cotton pads to pad out your bra. It’s true what others have said, on the day of surgery you’re surprised how normal you feel afterwards and think you can do loads. Don’t! You’ll regret it the next day. Day 3 and 4 are definitely the worst days. That’s when the incision/bra pain was at its peak and if I’m being honest it made me feel really emotional, I felt guilty for being in pain and vain for getting it done but it really is just your emotions playing on you.

    I was back at work 1 week post op and driving on day 8.

    Last few tips are get the teddy fleece V shape pillow from very and a memory foam neck pillow from Amazon. These were a godsend. Especially the neck pillow.

    Violet 22

    Wow can’t explain how helpful this is @snowflake93 thank you. You’ve deffo put me at ease a bit more. I think like not knowing exactly how it feels is scary but now I kind of do know what to expect. Sorry to learn that you’ve had lots of surgeries but it’s nice to know that they look after you in there.

    Thanks for info about the medication – he told me I’m having drains and I have to take antibiotics – I asked if I could not take them but he said he has all his patients use them to prevent any risk of infection (I get quite sick from antibiotics so I am worried about this). I thought they would have had me taking cocodamol or something at least! I will make sure I get paracetamol and ibuprofen in.

    What surgery bra would you recommend after experiencing pain on your incisions?

    I know what you mean about not doing loads when you feel like you can – seen lots of videos on YouTube of girls like “it’s day 1 and I’ve just been on a 23k walk and look how far I can raise my arms!!!” and then the next day they’re sad 😂

    I am deffo worried about day 3! I think I will be getting them just after my period so luckily I won’t be having emotions that come with PMS but I told my other half to be aware lol. I need to make a huge sign that says “trust the process” 😂

    I do have a neck pillow! But I will buy one of those V pillows aswell 🙂

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Violet 22.
    Natasha 36

    I bought two Macom ones and to be honest they’re not all that. They’re definitely good at compressing but for the first week they’re not comfortable on your stitches. I was going to bite the bullet and get a lipoelastic (they’re really expensive) but I’ve washed my Macom bras on a really short 15 minute cycle and it did soften them up a little but also my stitches started to dissolve so not convinced it’s now worth the money. Especially when I got the all clear to wear any kind of sports bra now at my post op appointment. Try and leave your post op appointment as late as possible – mine was 12 days after surgery and it meant that I didn’t have to have a redress of bandages and got the all clear to shower and lay down again.

    Also get some face cloths in as they’re so useful for bathing, and roll on instead of deodorant so they don’t go in your wounds.

    Birgit 10

    My surgery is done now, today is 1 day post op and I have to say I feel very normal. I can walk etc by myself 🙂 The anxiety came back when I was on the operation table but from then it was sweet dreams and woke up with my brand new boobs ♥️

    Violet 22

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    Can’t tell you how much I appreciate you giving an update!! So glad everything went well for you. Let me know how you get on, interested to know and would love advice to prep for mine 🥰. What meds do they give you – just paracetamol/ibuprofen? Hope your recovery goes smoothly x

    Bee 42

    Meal prep is fab especially for a week or so after – not sure whether it was the medication but my appetite was super low?!?! swear I lived on shredded wheat and apples during the recovery process, sticking mainly to fibre to help my bowels (sorry for TMI). Drink plenty of water to help with the bloat and peppermint tea is fab! Unfortunately, being bunged up is so hard to avoid, and the medication they give you varies. I told them I didn’t want anything too strong (e.g., codeine which they have given to some gals I’ve spoken to). I had antibiotics to prevent infection, they were fine, and co-codamol. As much as I was dreading constipation, I still took tablets every 4-6 hours for the first 3 days when I thought the pain may be at its worse then gradually cut out. It’s better than you think!! Definitely ask them to prescribe you something not that strong – I did this as I’m crap with anaesthetic and medication; felt so sick waking up… I actually packed a can of diet ginger beer and ginger biscuits in my bag before surgery and hid them (lol) in case they got taken due to hygiene reasons. I got two Macom’s, and they are great tbf, but if you want a cheaper alternative, get the post-op Asda or M&S bras, they aren’t as supportive as Macom but still really good xxx

    Violet 22

    Thanks Bee this is so helpful! Deffo will meal prep beforehand and will ask them for weaker meds as I’m not one for taking anything, the most I ever really take is paracetamol and I have adverse reactions to a number of antibiotics which peaks on day 2 usually so they are trying to work out what to give me 😬. I think codeine or cocodamol would completely wipe me out. Ooh did the ginger help? Were you on any anti sickness meds?

    I recently bought the one from M&S in my actual size (but it expands) do they put you in this straight away? How long do you wear the post op bra for? Xx

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Violet 22.

    I am 1 day post op and found the anesthetic absolutely fine. I didn’t feel it going in and didn’t realise I was falling asleep (for some reason I thought they’d count down!!) Next thing, awake with lovely new boobs. I was a bit shaky afterwards when I first woke up for about 15 mins, then fine. Chatting and sipping water. Re/ drugs, the gabe me antibiotics during surgery and I have some ro take now I’m home. I also have cocodemol and some anti sickness drugs which j haven’t needed. The pain isn’t too bad, more discomfort really, so taking just 1 cocodemol every 4 hours at the moment and that’s enough (also hoping to minimise the effects!) I have a 12 foot u shaped pillow to keep me on my back (I’m usually a side sleeper) and a wedge pillow from amazon. I also have a neck flight pillow.
    Even though this was my second boob job, my last one was over 20 years ago so I too was really really anxious. It was a lot better than I anticipated and on the day I was just elated at finally getting my long overdue new boobs. X

    Violet 22

    Thanks Cheryl that’s so helpful :)! Nice to know that the anesthetic is quite simple and nothing to worry about really. And good to know that they give you anti sickness tablets aswell – I’m going to ask for this too. Please keep me updated and let me know how your recovery is going 🥰

    Birgit 10

    I must say that I have No idea about the pain whatsoever. It is now 6days post op and O haven’t felt any pain. 2 dpo I drove to store all by myself and it has been very easy. They gave me 5 painkillers and I still have 3 of them 😄 So I must say, I think the pain depends on how big you go, since I chose the smallest my surgeon offered. Only thing I hate is sleeping on my back but I think I can try sleeping on the side tomorrow 🙂
    Waking up from anesthetic was very nice, the BEST 46minutes of sleep I ever had 😄😄 I only remember it was very cold for few minutes.


    Hi! Well I’m now 3 days post op and feeling more normal. Up and about a bit more around the house, but taking it slow (im really making the most of hubby working at home this week!!) I’m still taking the cocodemol but am gradually reducing it, now just taking 1 tablet approximately every 6/7 hours. Appetite is also improving, and have slept well the last couple of nights, so all going in the right direction so far 🤞🏾. My post op review is next Tuesday and I can’t wait to get this post surgery bra off and into something a bit less hammock like!! X

    Amanda 15

    @Cheryl that’s amazing! Who and where did you have your op?

    Amanda 15

    P.s did you opt for the Macom bra?


    Hiya. I had my surgery with Muhammad Javaid at Zenith clinic in Nottingham. I was in at 9am and went home at 1.30pm same day. Mr Javaid and his team have been 10/10! He also operates from other places too, and has his own website. I have the lipoelastic bra which was fitted by them straight after surgery (part of their package) Its OK, but after wearing it for 5 days I’m ready for a change! If all OK at my next review, I should be able to just wear it at night, and standard sports bra during the day 🤞🏾 x

    Violet 22

    Omg thank you for updating us so glad it’s gone so well for you and really hope mine turns out like that too 😍. What sizes did you actually get offered @tigrib ? I am going between 275-295 but that is the maximum I am apparently able to go. So excited now can’t wait x

    Violet 22

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    @cherel2021 so good to hear you are doing well thanks for updating us 😍.

    I have surprisingly heard bad things about the macom bras so I got the £20 M&S ones that everyone raves about. I got it in my standard size (32A) and it expands to an E. I thought about sizing up to 34A to make up for swelling but I’ve heard that the bra needs to be fully supportive and compress your breasts properly. I just watched a YouTube vlog and the girl said a Macom bra was gifted to her, she wore it, and then her surgeon told her it wasn’t compressing them enough and made her buy the M&S one. X

    Birgit 10

    @Violet I was offered 275,295 and 315cc
    Surgeon said that 315 would not look pretty on me and 275 is the best option:)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Birgit 10.
    Amanda 15

    @violet that’s interesting, did you have your surgery through MYA? X

    Bee 42

    @violet think codeine and cocodamol are strong – depending on your pain threshold you may be more than fine with paracetamol etc (hopefully)! The ginger helped massively, not a huge fan of the flavour but if you’re anything like me it’s so much better relying on food items than medication sometimes if you react badly to it so I do recommend ginger biscuits or some ginger beer or whatever. I was given anti sickness once I woke up and was back in my room as I felt so sick and couldn’t eat my food, they helped a lot. I think they give you anti sickness during the op as well. Some people are fine once they wake up but I was a bit iffy 🙂

    Regarding the bra I was put in mine not long after I woke up, a nurse came into my room and helped me into it. I was told to wear it for 6 weeks practically non stop. I wore it for a few days then washed it while I wore the other one (I had two macoms) They tell you at your nurse post op when you’re allowed to switch to a normal bra. Hope this helps!! Xx

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