Any advice Started by: Montana

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  • Montana 19

    Does anyone have any advice on the sleeping at a 45 degree angpe? I cant seem to get ny pillows right, doesnt matter how i put them. Im starting to get the worst back pain possible iv had to put a hot water bottle on my back. Any advice would be much appreciated xxx

    Laura 143

    I honestly didnt find it bad an iv always been a side sleeper. I had 2 normal pillows then my v pillow on top then id put a pillow under my thighs/knees i found that helped loads i figured that within the first hour of going to bed the first night luckily an it made so much difference took pressure from the bottom on my back/bum… an then id have another pillow that id hug haha just made me feel abit more secure from my partner throwing his arms around in his sleep xx

    Hannah 214

    I had two normal pillow, followed by my v pillow. And I pushed my v pillow together so it wasn’t a v, if that makes any sense. I also tried having a pillow under my bum as well. The back ache does go, I just got used to sleeping at the angle then was allowed to sleep on my back, and ended up with back ache from that lol xx

    Sophie 90

    This is how i slept and had no problems whatsoever x

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    Mae 79

    Hiya not sure how many days you are post op but it might be worth getting something like this if you are struggling.
    I had it from day one and arranged my pillows so I couldn’t feel the bars etc and honestly have had no issues with my sleep. Apart from the first night but that’s due to me having it sat upright rather than 45degree angle. I still use it now just over 3wpo.
    I know you can get like sponge alternatives but you can get this one for about 20 and I think it’s good as you can adjust the height.
    May be worth a try. Hopefully pic works xx

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    Jess 13

    Definitely recommend sleeping with a pillow under your bum! Also if you have one a memory foam pillow upright in between the v of the pillow! I just purchased the bed support rest from Amazon that someone else is recommending so I’m hoping that I might get some more sleep tonight!

    Mae 79

    Yeh I’ve started turning one v pillow just under the top of my thighs to stop me slipping down but also a fly pillow under your bum as welll! .xx

    Mae 79


    Jasmin 3

    I’m 2 1/2 we’ll post op and still waking every night with bad back pain and bum numb. I move my pillows all the time and nothing else. I guess you’ll find what suits you the most chick xx

    Paula 49

    Hi I used a bean bag it was great with pillow on top for head and had a little v pillow like the ones for car travel x


    Sleep with a pillow under your bum. I angle 2 pillows the use my V pillow xx

    Steph 18

    @mrsk. I found it so much comfy sleeping on my sofa the arms are high up and i then had two pillows either side of me slept so much better as found in bed the pillows moved too much xx

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