Any Cabin Crew on here? Worried about going back to work :-( Started by: Stephanie

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  • Stephanie 137

    Hey girls,
    Are there any Cabin Crew on here by any chance? That are post op?
    I’m 13 days post op now, been off work the whole time & im supposed to be back to work on Sunday. Will be 19 days post op by then. Just starting to worry a little about going back so soon with everything my job involves. Heavy lifting, active all the time etc.
    At this point I am able to do almost everything again, still have a little pain but I’m able to lift arms up etc. I’m obviously still taking it easy and not lifting things!
    If there are any girls on here who are also Cabin Crew please get in touch 🙂


    Hey! I’m crew as well and I’m having my surgery next week! Have you spoken to the nurse and surgeon about going back? I’ve heard they cleared someone to go back flying after 2 weeks. I’m sure you’ll be okay but just take it easy! No closing over head lockers and helping people with their bags. If you packed it then you can stack it attitude ???? Xx

    Stephanie 137

    @ellamartin25 Hi hun, thank you for replying. I’m 20 days post op now. I was due back to work yesterday but I actually took another week off and I’m in from this Sunday now. So glad I did that cause I really wasn’t ready! All last week was still in pain a bit! I’m finally pain free today and feeling fine 🙂 But yeah will take it super easy at work. I work on an a/c that’s just 2 crew, me and another crew member, will try and not close the hat bins but it’s gunna be hard to avoid that just the two of us lol! By Sunday I will be almost 4 weeks post op. When I was speaking to the surgeon he said 2 weeks would be fine but when speaking with the nurse she was like nooooo 4 weeks! When do you plan to go back to work after yours? Xx


    I have taken 4 weeks off and I’m working just short short for the few weeks back, I do a lot of long haul! If you can send me a private message and I’ll text you about it xx

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