Any girls do weights and have under the muscle.!!!!!!!???? Started by: Marianne

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    Just made a post but doing another one cos I’m having a bit of a freak out ha. I do pump like 3 times a week and I’m having Nader the muscle… I’m scared this is going to interfer???????? Help!


    I’d ask your surgeon. You shouldn’t really lift over a few kilos for about six weeks. And then you have to ease yourself back into the exercise. I never realised how much your chest muscles are involved in your movement.

    I started kickboxing class about a year after my op and that was ok. I swam long before that. Def ask your surgeon. X


    You have 2 wait at least 6 months if yr lifting heavy weight as boobs can go wonky with unders


    Yeh… That’s what in worried about. Guna speak to him on Thursday when I see him… Is that double bubble when it moves?


    No it’s the muscle that moves ,, lol of your doing chest muscles it might disorientated the Brest implants


    YES! Weights are my main focus in the gym and I had unders 6 weeks ago.
    I’ve only just started back at the gym this week and its so annoying being back to square 1 with what I can lift.
    It doesn’t hurt to lift, just feels a bit different. I’m starting lifting light and will hopefully build it up to where I was before the op, just gonna take it easy as I don’t wanna do myself more harm than good xx


    Aren’t u worried that it will come out of the pocket or you’ll get like double bubble or anything???


    Awkward! I have u as a friend already hahahaha


    I was wondering about this – I had unders last week, really didn’t want unders as I swim a lot and I’m going to be paranoid when I start back in the pool that I’m going to do something wrong or it’s going to hurt!!

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