Any mums that have had their op?? Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 12

    I have a little girl and didn’t realise until last night how much my boobs have actually sagged :’( any mums that have had their boobs sag after kids and had them done can I please see some before and afters? I want to see if I can achieve the look I want! Thanks 🙂 xx

    Jamie Lee 8

    Hi jess! I have had two children and breast fed both resulting in me loosing all my volume and breast tissue ( deflated balloons, spaniels ears ????). I am having a breast augmentation on 11th December. Don’t have before or after just yet but will have soon. I’m very excited. Xx


    Snap I’ve had two kids and have my BA on the 11th Dec too. Where’s your surgery ? Mine is in London

    Jess 12

    Girls if I had you both would you mind letting me see your before and afters? I really want an idea of what’s going to be a realistic after lol. Do you both have to have lifts and anything done to your areolas coz mine feel huge 🙁 xx


    Hi babe. I have 2 children 15 months apart and breastfed both. Left with 2 empty boobs. One bigger than the other (ironically the bigger one was my over producer when breastfeeding!). I had absolutely no upper pole at all x

    Jess 12

    I absolutely love your result but mine are just so saggy ???? im so worried I won’t get a result that I’m happy with xx

    Jen 107

    Hi Jess before and afters for me post breast feeding … xxx

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    Mine looked like 2 tiny golf balls in socks and asymmetry. That’s where trusting your surgeon comes into it. Have you seen anyone you like yet? My areolas are still quite big but they look more in proportion now. I basically just have a bigger less saggy version of what I had before xx

    Emma 15

    Hi. I was deflated and saggy after 2 kids. Saw 2 surgeons and told I had grade 2 ptosis (sag) first surgeon said I needed a full lift plus implants and would not do surgery without a lift. Second surgeon told me to avoid lift to save scars and just get implants. I really thought I needed a lift but was so much more comfortable with second surgeon so I only had implants no lift.
    Had 275cc HP round.
    I’m 5ft1 98lbs
    Before and after pic 2 days post op.

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    Jess 12

    They look really good. How are they now? I was thinking I might have to get them lifted but they similar to yours so I’m glad there’s hope that I might not have to! Xx

    Cherrelle 23

    Thank you ladies I’m a Mum if three and after I breastfed my last who was born in May my boobs look like empty chicken skin I’m booked in for my consultation on Thursday I am super excited but was nervous they may say I need a lift. But after seeing the above I feel more confident that it may not be needed. I absolutely love this forum. Ladies your results are amazing x

    Emma 15

    I’m only 4 days post op but so far so good. Was really worried about my results after not getting the lift but they have turned out a lot better than expected. I Had no volume up top and saggy so really happy with results so far. Hoping I’ll still be happy once they drop and fluff. Xx

    Angel 3

    Emma yours look really good, who was your surgeon? Xx

    Emma 15

    Thanks. I’m not with Mya. Just found the forum helpful. I had Ken stewart in Edinburgh. Xx

    Laura 143

    Hi, I’ve had 3 children an i was left with a very empty 32c i thought i needed an uplift but my surgeon said i didnt. I had 400cc unders. Eventually we will all need an uplift i just would rather avoid the scars at this point but i will say for the ones with saggys like me lol they do tend to have more the natural look with abit of a hang to them, people with small boobs without sagging they tend to get more the fake high rounder look so it depends on what you have in mind of the look you want. For me i prefered the more natural look anyway but then afterwards i wished they looked abit more fake an high. We always want we we havent got! But overall looking back at my pre op pics i cant complain, i certainly wouldnt want to go back to having spanial ears lol xx

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    Jess 12

    I’m really happy with your results Laura if I can get anything close to that I’ll be happy lol xx

    Laura 143

    Awh thankyou Jess! Have you started the process yet or are you still researching xx

    Jess 12

    I’ve got my consultation booked next month who did you go with? Xx


    Im going in on the 15th for the full mummy makeover! again im not with mya just using the forum – my surgeon uses a 4d image scanner so I could actually see what implants would look like on me! I could reduce my nipple size etc. I was so happy even though I need a larger implant in one and still both boobs wont be the same size I am more than happy!

    Jamie Lee 8

    Sure thing jess. No lift for me this time, tho I was boarder line I choose to go without. Having 2 young ones plus my partners 2 children who are also under 6, (4 kids is total ????) i was anxious of being off my feet too long if i combined with an uplift as I’m aware the healing is a little longer.

    Jamie Lee 8

    I’m booked in at Preston. It’s getting so close now. The nerves are kicking in. ????

    Jess 12

    Where are you going Rachel? That sounds good that you can actually see them beforehand! Let me know how you get on Jamie Lee xx


    I have gone through MedBelle but my consultations have been at Spire in reading the price they quoted was the price I have paid. I have seen Mr Fulvio Urso Baiarda and I personally think he is amazing! had lots of markings on my body photos taken and then seen the 4d image which I was amazed by – you can see it’s my body but with implants I asked him to reduce my nipple size – never been happy as they are double what is classed as the norm! and loved the new smaller size! I am so excited I just cant wait to go in and have it done!

    Le 14

    Emma, I do hope to look like you! I am trying to avoid an uplift. I have been told that i am borderline because of my nipple position and the crease, but I could have implants alone and then if I am unhappy in the future then I would have to get an uplift. How long ago did you have surgery? I am just worried about how much they could drop without the uplift (eek). xx

    Hayley 1

    I’m glad we all call them spaniels ears haha very funny. Thank you for the info ladies.

    Spud82 4

    It makes me feel more at ease reading these posts I’m booked in London on 23rd Feb it can’t come quick enough, but also so nervous I’ve got 6 children abd breastfed them all (my last for 20 month) which resulted in the ‘spaniel ears’ I’m a size 10 and 5ft 8 im my hubby got this me as a gift as he knows it makes me insecure and less womanly (if you get me). Seeing these fab boobies puts my mind at ease x

    Daphne Blake 10

    I’m similar, had 4 kids, breastfed them all, the last 2 till up until they were 2yrsand 3yrs
    No regrets at all! The girls have earned their booby makeover. Im currently day 1 post op. I was a D when breastfeeding so really hoping for at least a D now, but could only get 300cc. Due to not enough tissue.


    Who did you go with how did you find them / the surgeon ? I’m currently looking for a mummy makeover

    danielle 46

    I’m a mum of 3 breastfed all my babies youngest being 11 months! booked in for 26th of March. I went up to a D when bf but now mine have done the complete opposite, rather be left with empty bf boobies they’ve literally disappeared! I’m having 325cc HP unders from a 32a which should give me about a D possible bigger xx

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