Any nurses/health care workers out there?! Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 5

    Hi girls,
    I’ve been wanting a BA for almost 5 years now but life seems to keep getting in the way! I’m currently a support worker based on a ward in a busy hospital & planning to start my nursing at university next September! It’s quite a physical job and I work 12hr shifts, can anyone who’s been in a similar situation give me any advice on how long to take off work? I feel like the recommended 1-2 weeks wouldn’t be long enough?? Xxxxx

    Beci 26

    Hiya, I work as a home care assistant so it’s not as full on as in a hospital but it is physical work. I was told to take 2 weeks off work. I’m 8 days post op and feel in another week I will be ready to go back to work but maybe just on lighter duties taking it steady. I would definitely say take 2 weeks not just 1 xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Beci 26.
    Lucy 29

    Heyyyy, I’m an RMN. I work on a ward and I’m having two weeks off! I won’t be doing physical interventions when I go back though, but I’ll still be doing 12 hour shifts on my feet- I’ll let you know how it goes!

    Abbie 5

    Aw thanks girls! Yes please keep me posted haha! I was dreading the idea of having to take any unpaid leave! Xxx

    Jamie 55

    Hey, I’m a support worker for palliative so majority of patients are bed bound it’s very heavy moving and handling wise, i do 14 hour shifts, I took three weeks off, I had a great recovery only had pain relief the day after, but I honestly could of done with 4 weeks by the end of the shift my boobs ached so much and things like stretching over to roll patients was hard, just make sure you’ve got a great supportive post op bra on. I’m 3 months post op now and still wear it on every shift xx

    Sophie 2

    I qualify as a nurse in September and I’m planning on booking my surgery for a couple of months time. I’m also worried about being off for only 2 weeks, I’m going to ask to go on light duties when I come back just incase. I’ll be working in theatres so I’ll be on my feet all day as a scrub nurse xx

    Hollie 10

    Hi I work as a nurse in theatres and the way my shifts worked out I was off for 20 days I did feel ready to go back then but don’t think I would have wanted to return any sooner. The first week or so on my return I was aware of not pushing pulling too much but managed to work around things and a few times at the end of a shift I felt a bit sore and achey but all was fine. I wore my support bra and strap everyday for 6 weeks. Best of luck xx

    Laurane 12

    Hiya! I’m a nurse on a ward and I’ve taken two weeks annual leave. I’m not back until Friday next week as I’m part time so it ends up being almost 3 weeks. When I go back I won’t be doing any manual handling until I’m 6 weeks po and my surgeon says it’s ok. My work are fine with this as it’s onky one part of my job and I’ll do other things to help out. Everyone is happy with that. I’m 11dpo now and honestly if I had to go back now I would be ok. Tired, maybe a bit achy but ok x

    Louisa 26

    Hey, I am A&e children’s nurse, I went back to work after 7 days and I’ve been fine but my pain was minimal and I could move probably from day one, I would say book two off if you’re able to, I wasn’t able to but as it’s half term work hasn’t been “busy” and my colleagues know so if I needed help I would get it xx

    Megan 18

    Hiya I’m a nurse. I went back to work after 8 days. I had no choice after having a previous bad sickness record.
    I managed ok but my job doesn’t require a lot of lifting. Speak to your own gp they can give you a longer sick line if your surgeon doesn’t. Just because this is an anaesthetic procedure doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the right amount of time off. I would take as much as you can get and then be asked to be put on light duties. No transferring patients or lifting heavy equipment. I even found pulling patients on trolleys or chairs hard going. You feel like you’re ok but a wee stretch can hurt! Hope this helps xxx

    Sophie 2

    I’m quite worried about telling my job as I’ll be brand new there and might not be as leanient with me when it comes to doing light duties when I come back in xx

    Sharon 8

    Hi I’m a carer iv not had surgery yet but wanting to book for September iv put 3 wks holiday in I was abit scared of telling my manager but she was fine she said to me don’t be doing too much when you come back to work stick to light duties x

    Samaj003 16

    I went back after 17days on light duties. I had unders and did find it painful however my ward is heavy. I had to take AL as my trust dont pay sick leave for cosmetic proceedures. I was ok but would’ve struggled with “normal” duties.

    Megan 18

    I didn’t tell my work either, If u use sicklines you might have to tell them. I just used annual leaves. If you’re really careful you should be ok. I pretended I’d hurt my shoulder in the gym to cover up for anytime I was sore xx

    Jess 8

    Hey there! I’m a support worker on the wards too, only difference is I’m bank! I also have a contracted domestic job. Been told 3-4 weeks off health care as it’s heavy work! I work nights and almost every shift I handle some heavy patients. Try to get as much time off as possible. I’m having 2 weeks off domestic, and as I’m bank I’m taking 3 weeks off that (but obviously this is unpaid!!) if I feel up to it I will be going back sooner. But remember not everyone will care if you’re in pain so book as much as you can!
    Goodluck ???? x

    Francesca 13

    Hey I’m a physio, had two weeks off and then asked for one more. They say one or two weeks mainly thinking of people with desk-based jobs. Going back Monday and still feel like I need to be really careful so gonna really limit myself this next week xx

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