Any one regret what size cc they had? Started by: Rose

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  • Rose 1

    I know people have spoke about boob greed has it been that bad that you want a re op soon as/ or has anyone thought they have gone to big?

    Thanks xx


    Hiya, I had a ba 2 years ago and wish I had gone bigger, I’m looking into having them changed, xxx

    Rose 1

    What size did you go from too, and what cc? sorry to bombard you with questions xx


    Ha ha no problem, I was a 34c and weighed 9stone at the time, and im 5ft2, I had 380cc and at first was a 34ee but over a few months they went down to just. 34e, and over the last year I lost a stone and now there a dd/ small e, I know that sounds big but they don’t look it, xx I’m back to wearing push up bras as want them bigger šŸ™‚

    Rose 1

    aw bless you.. 34 e sounds big but fake boobs measure bigger then they look don’t they, what size you hoping to go up to bet its a nightmare finding nice big size bras xx


    To be honest the bra thing is annoying but more and more shops are starting to do bigger sizes, I would just like to be another cup size bigger and like you say they do measure big but Defo don’t look it,, I think I look like a dd at the most xx
    What are you looking to have ?

    Rose 1

    Yeh last thing you want is to pay to have nice boobs then hide them away in a rank granny bra! im a 34a now been advised biggest I can go in 415cc over but I want to look like a d..dd šŸ˜ going to try see another surgeon end of this month to see if they agree. I don’t want them to look like stuck on balls but I want them to be round and pert šŸ˜ do they drop more the larger the implant you go xx


    I remember asking that question and was told no matter what size u go for they will always drop , I’m hoping with a bigger implant they will lift šŸ™‚ xx

    Rose 1

    what size you wanting to get? did you go over or under the muscle.. I think soo into everything im not obsessing over the thought of practically living in a sports bra to try keep the shape lol xx


    Just want them to be the same size as when I first had them done xx which was a f, but didn’t look huge xx


    I do sleep in a bra most nights to help with dropping xx

    Rose 1

    bet that’s horrible when you first get them done love them then the swelling goes down šŸ˜ lol no wonder people get boob greed…. Yeh think I would to try keep them up lol, what company did you go with? xx


    Hey girls I had 415cc and 385 cc unders with full uplift I was told I would be 37dd cup size and they are 36G-36H I know if u have overs you will get that lovely round fake look but if u have unders they stay high up and when u lie down the dont move xx


    Sorry 36dd bloody iPhone x


    Wow that’s huge šŸ™‚ what size was you before ? How long since you had them done ? X

    Rose 1

    Ayesha cant believe how amazing your scars have healed! its crazy how people start off same size get same size implants and come out completely different size that must be why surgeons only say that should make you around ‘a size’ rather then give you false hope xx


    I’m 13weeks post op now but b4 had my last baby two years ago I was 36ff so when I lost weight and my baby drained every last bit I was 36D I’ve been taking pics every weeks so I can see the change ha ha x


    hey hun i had 525 overs from an a and really wanted a full DD after the sweliing has gone now am 3 weeks post op i tried a 34D bra an it fit…i feel like they have gone really small and in clothes ppl have no idea i have had them done šŸ™ they r like thought u had ur boobs done lol…im like yeah i did..aww well u cant tell can u!!
    Grrrr this was also because i listened to ppl saying if i was u i wudnt ask for bigger than a dd cz u will look stupid etc blah blah…i love them and mr t has done a fab job but as i am 5ft 10 and broad shoulders i defo think i should have asked for bigger as i could have carried it off without looking silly..after i have finished my degree i am going to save and get them re done if i feel like the fact they are only a d bothers me alot! At the moment i get horendous boob greed and then look at my pre op then feel better haha xxx


    I went with mya , Manchester


    It’s mad you never know wot your going to get the funny thing is they done that big to me I wish I could have had overs as I bloody love the the fake look x


    Hey j my don’t look that Big this girl at work said to me they dont look like u have had them done so then she grab hold of them and had big surprise as she could fit them in her hands ha ha sure yours will go bigger as they need soften and fluff out xx

    Kate 26

    Oops I’m starting to think should i have gone unders xxx

    Rose 1

    did you get the option of over or under.. the surgeon I want to go with has a preference of overs šŸ™ what size you going kate? xx


    Do overs get bigger then? I cant wait to get new bras xxx


    I am dissapointed in size, love the shape but wish they were bigger. I didnt tell anybody i had them done apart from my mum and dad then my boyfriend basically told everybody like all his friends and family when id told him not to. Well yesterday his friend came round and said you cant even tell ive had them done, i didnt hear this my bf told me when this when his friend had gone and i was so upset as id only just come to term and kind of accepted the size after being so upset all week about it, i just couldnt stop crying. Id say if you want big boobs deffinetly deffinetly go with the biggest size, i had 410ccc overs from a 32b, and sorry for the rant but im fuming with my bf xx

    Kate 26

    First surgeon said unders second surgeon said overs but I felt more confident in what the second said,he were straight to the point and I trust what he says is gonna look right,iv been offered 380,415,450,485,520 tsf xxx


    Hi j, just because the d bra ‘fit’ doesn’t mean it’s a proper fit, so don’t get upset about it, especially as your still only a few weeks post op, give it a few more weeks and treat yourself to a nice fitting and you will be surprised šŸ™‚ xx

    Rose 1

    Its so confusing some days i think take the biggest size u can then others i think no youll look daft really i think i just want a fake round high look Dont want to look like two balls stuck on… Jasmine u had the size that the sergoen said biggest i can go and u were a b to begin with Im a a :/ so Im thinkin if u so unhappy i might B super devd if i go smaller or that size arghhh so confusing bloody cc wish there was a definate that if u x size to begin with with x cc you would be x size instead of guessing šŸ™ xx


    It’s aLll down to boob greed get over it


    im 5ft 4 8and half stone had 295cc 6weeks ago got measured in marks ans spencers today and am 32E in balconette style and 32F in others, going back in 2weeks to double check before i buy bras xxx


    8 forgot to say, i think size is always an issue if we stalk other girls and look at their sizes, just stick t checkin yourself out in the mirror and knowing your hot everyones gonna be different, to be honest im gutted ive measured so big but they dont look ridiculous so im dealing with it hhahah xxx

    Rose 1

    That’s a nice way of putting it Christina! its just hard to decide on sizes its such a big decision to make don’t want to be unhappy either too big or too small… thanks for peoples opinions though – helpful šŸ™‚ xx


    Hi Rose I love the shape of my boobs and they do look really good and the sergeon has done an amazing job its just i wish they were bigger but im only small and petite and my mum and boyfriend have both said they look great so id say if you want bigger boobs rather than smaller boobs deffinetly 100% go with the bigger size implant but like i said my sergeon has done a brilliant job. @christina your boobs look fab i can see why your so pleased hope i measure and e and id be buzzin if i measured an f lol xx


    @joannabelle- yeah i know…im already over my boob greed now lol cz i keep looking at my pre op pic they look good in no clothes and i can jus get a padded bra to make them bigger under clothes lol. Cnt wait to get messured tho im intrigued xx

    Rose 1

    aww glad you sound a bit happier now jasmine I really think Im either going to go with madhev or hardy im yet to get in to see hardy :\ how are your scars healing madhev was laughing at me because I kept saying the scar needs to be small and neat he was like I know what Im doing trust me woman! – were you only a day case/ and how much did you pay if you don’t mind me asking xx


    My scars are doing well touch wood šŸ™‚ im only 2 week PO so dont know how long it will take for them to go. And i cant reccomend mr mahadev enough. And i was asking him a milliion questions to, i was saying please try and fit the 410cc in and he was saying of course, of course lol. I was quoted Ā£3695 but because i payed in full i asked about discount and got Ā£200 knocked off so paid Ā£3495 and i was a day case i wouldnt of like to be a over night case, how much you been quoted. Deffo ask for discount, my bf was saying i should have asked for more discount lol xx

    Rose 1

    Hes lovely isn’t he, he was laughing at me and my sister… Ā£4000 day case with transform but last time I spoke to Christina she said it would be possible to get some discount, did you go to Manchester for your op xx


    Yes i went to manchester xx

    Sam 2

    I had 385 overs on recommendation from my surgeon. I do think they are bigger than I would have chosen. Getting used to them though.

    Rose 1

    what did you start off at sam? xx

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