Dont worry ill write you a big essay after lol . Cant wait to put my post op story on ere ha
Thanks hun think i’m gonna book soon, got lots of holidays to use up! i will let u know x
I got the discount an a day case . Dont think you will be able to do a day case unless you book a hotel an do it that way or do the late space thing ? Sure you will find a way to do it x you must tell me when you booked in im really excited for you x
I was thinkin bout seeing then saying i was contemplating them as they are making me really unhappy! i just worried they tell me i got post natal! gerrrr Doctors! i’m gonna go up soon got an exam in Jan near Mya in Birmingham so might try go then. two birds one stone eh! i’m in Herefordshire so middle of everywhere birmingham is closest but only the h0spital Gr0up and heard a lot about their bad aftercare! did u try any other places b4 MYA? to be honest thou hun, i haven’t heard or read one bad thing about them! Which is a good sign and def my selling point (plus the offers wanna try get my ba for 3350! lol) how did u get yours down low?>
Im in manchester hun where are you ? Aw just get it booked now for january then at least you know its going to happen an you got time to sort it out . My doctor in wales before i moved here put me on the waiting list for breast an tummy tuck but they wont do it here so had to sort it me self been hard but worth it . So it depends on where you live . No harm in askin an you have to ask loads before they say yea x
no gotta get childcare sorted then train to birmingham etc! I wanted my hubbie to come with me but he’s had man flu the lat week and now used up all his holidays think i’m gonna move my butt thou cus i’m sat wit no bra on now and feel like crap lookin at my tiny, uneven boobies… they are a great shape just need filling up! the main reason i not gone thou is cus i’ll prob just book it but also i’m in two minds to have my 3rd and final child then get them just incase it ruins them! i was thinkin of trying my GP did u try yours they might give it me on NHS ?
1wk 4 days wow how far r u from Highgate? or r u Manchester or Doncaster i’m about 3 1/2 hours from all 3! thats the only bad thing about MYA they only in those places!
Ha your a bad influence on me good ideas lol iv only got a week an four days now am nerves now carly . Fed up wi waiting .
Have you booked in yet ?
My best mate had her boobs in 2006 i have never been like that to her, it was her decision so i accepted that, she thought i’d get funny with her cus i acctually thought she had a nice pair of boobies! but her boobs look great now! you do find out who ur friends are thou! they’ll come round you’ll have to nick their tops then and look better in them than they do… that would be soooooo funny! lol god i can be evil! ooops!
Yea . Lol good idea dont think ill bother with people who are like that with me . An i dont care what people think or say to be honest . Im just happy iv done this for me self an in a way its done me a big favour in showing me who is a genuine friend an who aint .
ya mates will be jealous!! ive had a mate who doesnt text me anymore! jealous bitch haha!! ill just show them off more to her!! he he he X
Ha thats me lol iv been pre payin for my op for six month. So i know quite a bit now lol . Yea my friends are all bein funny with me now . Its less than two week now lol its 13 days away gettin a bit scared now
i will prob be an expret by time i write my post op story! i think he knows i’ll get my own way! ha ha! men i told him i’m having my boobies just worried about if i have more kids breast feeding ruined mine! so wont be doing that again! 21st not long now hun its only 2 and a bit weeks oh that’ll be here and gone b4 u know it! wow you are really lucky but well done for saving! have ur friends not been supportive? My besie mate suprised me she said i’d have it done if i could! the other one just gave me a funny look! Nowt so queer as folk! x
Hi everyone just wondering how long after your ba can you lift your child my lil girl is two yrs old an quite heavy .? Also how long after is it till can you push their pushchair? im a single mum an although my family are supportive its going to be a struggle for them to help . An feel so guilty trapping my lil girl in the house for any longer than a week
I hope so . He will get exited towards the op just like you read loads of stories on ere fellas not happy till the end ha just make him feel like its his decision they love being boss ha
prob best hun, i know i’d love to book it after xmas but still pursuadin my hubbie said yes then he started moaning other day… but i will have it done he just worrys bout money… i’ll just have to stop spending on ebay :shocked: i went bk 2 work last wk so the extra money will go in my boobie pot! LOL
i hope u sort ur childcare out hun and u know now i’m gonna want all ur info when u had it with lifting bathin etc! lol you might be ok with overs thou hun! x
Carly just go ahead now babe . Although im worryin about everything its the best thing iv ever done never been this happy .
An still not had my op so cant wait to see what i feel like after
He said when i was 8 month pregnant that he really dint want to be a dad so i threw him out seen him out a few times we just say hi never asked once bout her so nar dont think so . She dont know him anyway so prob best . Its on the 21st of this month
Ahh bless its hard thou i just cant decide if i should wait till Jess is older or go ahead or wait till after i have another! :cry::confused:
When is your op? would ur little ones dad help or is he a pain? (iykwim!)
Im having overs hun and thanks you helped a lot . Ill get her a few extra presents at xmas to make up for it lol
Aw thanks for your coments . My mum to ill to help she has a brain tumor . Dont worry its not life threatening just affects her sight . And balance . My sisters all work an have no way of getting any time off and i found out who me friends are they all fallin out with me think they jealous . But if i can save up without gettin in debt sure they can do it . Im sure ill find a way to manage . Thanks again you helped a lot just knowing someone else been in same situation
Hi my sis in law had unders and my neice was 14months old, she too was on her own at the time and went to stay with a family friend who helped her with her little onewhen she wasnt at nursery. this was only for a week and she managed to get her into a nursery full time for the 2nd week too but admitted that she could have done with 2wks off lifting! R u having unders or overs cus recovery will be quicker with overs as the muscle is not cut! i asked this cus my little one is 1 in jan so trying to book at the rite time! thinkin i might get away with overs myself and hope for the best! got 2 younger sisters 10 & 12 years younger than me at school so might nick them during the school holidays to help me!
Good luck hunny i know its hard but you’ll be much happier and they wont remember it! just the new happy mummy!
Aw its going to be a nightmare . I feel so guilty on her . Its only a few week tho . An she will benefit from this as much as me cant wait to take her swimmin . She not been with me yet dont like how i look without breast .she Just been with family .but mummy is better when your 2
ignore my spelling! im havig to rush as my 3 year od keeps wrestling my 10 month old! lil buggars haha
hi there, i had my breat implants and uplift done 4 weeks ago, and i had to stay with my mum for 2 weeks! while my partner was at work!! i didnt feel qwell enough to lift! but id say around day 10 you,ll be ok! but must take it very easy! even now, if my baby knocks me, its hurts a little! i started pushing my baby around day 7, but still took it easy! you prob best staying at your mums, and get her to do everyhing for around a week an a half!! but you may feel better, i had an uplift aswell, so was more painful!. i too felt guilty, as i slept in another room without my baby, and my partner did everything! my baby wakes up alot still, so i couldnt tend to him in the night! i just laid around for ages! but after 10 day i was feeling ok, to go home and take over being mum again! dont feel guuilty though! and dont listen to anybody either! as i got called selfish!! in the end ppl get jealous so will find any thing nasty to say!
in the end its only 2 weeks of your life! to get help with your kids! then after that, just get back to normal! but you,ll be a more yummy mummy with big boobies like mine!! he he! and you,ll be soo happy and your kids will love having a happy mummy! XXXXX if you wanna ask owt else, ask me, as i had all this b4 i had mine done! and there wasnt many ppl on here who had kids, so def know what you are going through XX
6 weeks,i have a 2 yr old to and thats a question i asked,its gonna be hard gettin him in and out the bath and stuff x
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