Any tips for post op recovery Started by: Alexandra

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  • Alexandra 3

    At 2DPO. See page for details
    Is there any excerices i should be doing right now for recovery?
    Or any foods, supplements I could do to speed up recovery xx


    I recommend PHD diet protein shakes for muscle strength, available from Boots in a choice of flavours, the banana is yummy! I had some manuka honey, my mum insisted I had it, it is expensive. I made sure to eat plenty of protein, fruit and salad. I’. Sure it was good for healing.
    Stay upright at night against a v pillow and this is good sitting down in the day.
    Don’t carry heavy items and take a taxi as it can really hurt to walk far.
    I was told no ironing. I made sure to take my antibiotics and all tablets and had plenty of rest.

    Alexandra 3

    Perfect thank you!

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