any tips for scars? Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    Hi girls, does anyone have any tips for what to use on scars, I’ve heard about all different creams and sheets but don’t know what works, I had an op last year and scared quite badly, so want to get something that is going to give good results after I have the re-op x


    I found using micropore tape and mederma to be excellent! As soon as your steri strips come off put micropore tape over the scar, change every 4 days or so or anytime they get wet. After the 6 week mark rub a little Mederma in to the scar before you place the tape over them, works wonders! Have to get Mederma online as it’s a US product x

    kathryn 1

    thanks hun, can you get micropore tape from the chemist, i’ll try and find some, how long did you use the tape and mederma for?x

    kathryn 1

    @ Kaydee Stafford, is it ok if I add you hun? x


    Yeah no probs x yep the tape from the chemist, mederma from amazon or ebay. The tape you should use for around 3-6 months and the mederma is just until you’re happy with the result x

    kathryn 1

    @Kaydee Stafford I just saw your pics hun and your scars look amazing, barely noticeable and very neat, your boobs look lovely you must be made up x


    Those scars are only 2 weeks old ^_^ My Dr is amaze lol! Thanks hun, I am so happy I love them x

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