any1 with 365 partials feel too big? x Started by: Kelly R

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  • Kelly R

    keep changing my mind alllll the time about which size to go to. I’m a size A/B and wanting to go to a full C/ small D. at the minute I’m going with 365 partials! has any1 regret going with this size and felt too big? I’m size 8, 5″4 and getting my ba 24 march 🙂 xxx


    I’m the same in. A 32a at the moment but I’ve been told that 450cc will put me to a full c small d?? My BA is the 28th xx

    Kelly R

    aw really! it’s confusing all these size’s like! I’m just worrying incase it they’re turn out too big for me, I don’t want too feel top heavy xxx

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