Anybody had tenting before ??? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I have really bad tenting or swelling on my sternum making my boobs look awful!! Anyone had this before ?


    Hi, I’ve just come across your post, yes the swelling in my sternum is quite bad at the moment, was getting worried I’m getting a uniboob! How’s your settled down now? X

    Megan 18

    I have really bad swelling in my sternum too. It doesn’t really look like I have two separate defined boobs yet 🙁 I’m only 3 days post op so Idk how long it will take. Has either of yours settled yet?xx

    Jamie 55

    Hi Megan, I was convinced I had symmastia I emailed my surgeon about 3 weeks in as I literally had uniboob! I started sleeping with a rolled up flannel down the middle, which did help I’m 7 weeks post op now there is still some slight tenting but actually have a gap now, mine settled around 5 weeks post op x

    Megan 18

    @jamie think you! I feel like I see all these other girls post op pics and they have amazing defined boobs right away and then mine just look weird. Glad I’m not the only one, I’ll just have to be patient then and hopefully mine settle down in a few weeks. I’ll try the flannel thing though!xx

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