Anyone 32A? What size did you go?! Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 2

    When trying on the very weird bra to decide what size, I tried on 400cc and they seemed huge, she put a smaller one in but it seemed loads smaller. I ended up preferring the 400’s. I want to be a size D. Is there a in between size? I see people have had 375cc. What’s the difference? Anyone a size A before hand and what did you pick? It’s a case of not wanting them to big or to small! Xx

    Jennifer 12

    You can get I between sizes so just ask! It all depends on your frame, smaller frames can achieve a D cup from 250cc. I’m quite petite and had 325cc and I measure a D so far. I’m 16 days post op. When your boobs drop and fluff and you go under the muscle you usually gain some size too! 400cc might get you a DD! But just see what your surgeon says as they know best ? Xx


    @laura93h I am a 34 A but I don’t fill it! I am having 310cc Naturelle UHP overs! They said it should take my to a full D! I think it all depends on type of implants, your own measurements etc! Nothing is ever guaranteed, when trying on the sizes, my surgeon said go with the one that you like the look of size wise under clothes! So if you think that size looks good on you under clothes then go with it! Don’t get caught up on sizes as you could end up huge! Xx

    kim 45

    I’m 32a and Iv gone for 325cc which will get me a full c maybe even a d! Maybe try 375cc?

    Grace 2

    I had only 250cc and now fill a d cup so it really depends on your frame. I was worried my implants would be too small but they are perfect. I can still wear whatever clothes I like and can also dress them up or down.

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