ANYONE???? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 16

    Has ANYONE had any issues with their incisions 6 weeks post op? mine seem to have widened and spread in size and are weeping. when I went to my 6 week post op she did swabs and ive not heard back (last week) she cleaned one and redressed it with an anti bacterial dressing, which I had to remove and clean and redress at the weekend because it was bloody discgusting and a bit smelly! since then my other incision has started spotting blood and weeping and I have a small sore on the side of my boob too. I have another appointment this evening, but feel like shes just going to do the same, clean it up redress it and Im thinking when will they ever heal!

    losing my patience

    Hayley 21

    I’m 4 weeks and one of mine has started weeping I went my docs last night he’s given me some antibiotics so hope it clears it up. I can’t believe 4 weeks on I’m still in so much pain every night I’m tossing and turning and when I wake in the morning there so sore and feel bruised still can’t wait to feel normal again x

    Jodie 16

    aw I feel for you, luckily im not in any pain but at 6 nearly 7 weeks I expected to be in normal bras, excercising again, swimming etc. ive had so much go on in my personal life literally 4 days after my surgery and ever since and I just feel so down about this happening on top of it all!
    i feel like they will never heal

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